My current mobile phone is Quad-Band, so I've been told that it should still be able to send/receive signals in Australia and consequently am planning on just getting a new SIM card for it rather than buying a whole new phone when I'm out there.
Here's where it gets complicated )
There are quite a few networks in Australia. Generally some of the smaller ones piggy back of the others so you're likely to end up finding reception generally okay. The two main ones are Telstra and Optus. Other then that you also have Vodaphone and 3. Then there are quite a few other tiny ones. But those four are your best bet.
The networks themselves to have their own dealers, but third party ones include AllPhones, Crazy Jones (Yes... it is a real store), Phone Zone... I'll be honest they are everywhere. You can generally even find them for sale in supermarkets and petrol stations etc. Adelaide for one is not short of places you can shop for mobiles etc.
As for the credit well as above it can be bought most places like supermarkets, petrol stations, deli's, news agencies, most stores that sell them will have signs out the front or stickers near the check outs, otherwise from memory I think some companies allow top up by credit card over the phone.
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