Got home from the gym, took a shower, made myself food and now I'm here :). Feels good to sit...I was there for 2 hrs today. Place was PACKED!
I tried sardines for the 1st time tastes exactly like tuna, but w/ out the mayo. I'm actually eating some now w/ my dinner :).
I was reading some articles online and came across
this. Greenspan is suggesting a consumption tax, which I am totally for. But, it will never happen. Our current tax code is 44,000 pages full of bullshit and favors to people/corporations. Lawyers, corporations, accountants & people "living"/cheating off of the system do not want this, and unfortunately they are the majority so I don't see this happening. Do you know how much this would boost the economy if this were enacted and we got RID OF the tax code? It would be incredible! All this bureaucracy would go away...the IRS looses billions of dollars per year, the government pays the IRS billions per year to be in existance. Ugh, it drives me crazy...I cannot understand how people feel somehow that they are OK w/ the amount of tax we pay. If you guys actually calculated the amount of tax you pay, I think your jaw would hit the floor. But, it's never enough, the Government wants more and we're sitting back like ok, take my money. Like working the first four months of the year goes to taxes alone...FOUR MONTHS?! Is this not enough for you people? You want to throw away more?! I'm sick of it. *sigh* ...oh well...
I signed up for the free trial of NetFlix last night. Looks pretty addicting :) Hopefully I'll like it. I was never fond of Blockbuster...bescides now I have more to choose from! Sold my first item on Ebay today. X-Men Legends for X-Box. It was a really good game..I was impressed. Currently, I'm playing The Incredibles...the game sucks ASS! I'm @ the end and I don't know wtf I'm supposed to do. The characters are boring, the "bosses" are a joke...I just can't wait to finish this game.