Just finished making
cole slaw...the one w/ out mayo. It's good stuff :) I just substitute the sugar w/ splenda. & I use carrots instead of green pepper...ICK...
My TiVo is acting up for some reason. I have TiVo Server on my PC & I am able to listen to my mp3's through my stereo which is hooked up through my TV. Anyway, I tried it about 5 times, and everytime I try to listen to my mp3's through TiVo, it reboots itself! I don't know what changed, but it doesn't like something now. Maybe it's telling me that it doesn't like my music? ;) Odd part is, I can still transfer shows from my TiVo to my PC so I can burn it. Right now I'm transferring "Robot Chicken". It's f'n hysterical. It's on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network...Seth Green (from Buffy & Austin Powers) is the Director & writer which is kewl. I've always liked him for some reason...
This Dunkin Donuts coffee really hit the spot...I only get French Vanilla. Call me picky. I was really in the mood for Blueberry coffee from 7-11, but for some reason they only serve the flavored coffee in the morning. *shrug* oh well...
I have yoga tonight @ 8. I skipped last week - oops... I've been taking it for 2 months now. I only go once a week and the other nights I lift. Got my own mat and everything! I never thought I'd like the class as much as I do. I feel soo much better when I leave...I fall asleep like a baby when I get home. My instructor is awesome. Her voice takes some getting used to, but after that it's all good.
Oh yea, so my dad gets into work today & I didn't notice it @ first, but he got rid of his comb-over! I never thought I'd live to see the day where he gets rid of it! I told him that I like it a lot better & he agrees. He said that he feels much better & it's easier to deal w/. Good for him...he's had that comb-over for as long as I can remember. He should be proud of his baldness! hehe. I'm glad he decided to get it done on his own...that was something that I was not expecting to see today :)