Nov 21, 2012 18:32
Trying to catch up with everything.
Honestly the best thing to do would be put aside the story I'm writing till I've managed to catch up and rest up. But I feel like I would probably die. It's just pouring forth from the recesses of my imagination and HAS to be written! I've nearly done enough to "win" NaNoWriMo, mostly working on this story, but it's nowhere near done. Maybe 1/3 left to write and already over 60,000 words. (I started it months ago.)
I'm excited and a bit terrified, to be honest. I think it's pretty good but it's really a "different" sort of story for me to write!
Other news? It's Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'll be washing the dishes....
I'm sort of feeling inspired to write a Pros Christmas story but I feel like that might be a Bad Idea.
I haven't written my Secret Santa S&H story yet.
Some part of me just wants to write Christmas stories all the time and in all my fandoms. :) But I usually don't!
And, yes, I'm feeling scared about the end of the FandomAid auction!!!!!!! What story I'll write and for who and if I'll be able to. Not going to complain; I signed up, and I'm happy to be part of it. :) Just a little nervous!
etc. christmas,