Oh! Hello there...

Sep 18, 2012 17:24

Oh my... I can't believe the year is sailing by so quickly...
Life has been a bit rough, illnesses, car accidents, not able to walk for a couple of days properly, a cancer scare...A bit much to take in.

But! Now I have a new mobile and a new computer to do stuff with, so expect to see me around here a lot more! I even wrote a fanfic or two, and am working on some new original stories. Plus, one of my short stories was published in an e-anthology, and I got paid for it! So now I am a published fiction writer as well as journalism and other stuff.

I have been busy though! There was Relay For Life...

I got a new part-time-ish job (technically an Independent Contractor) with a uniform.

And oh yeah, did you know this happened?

So, LJ, what has happened with you lately?

greetings, team geek, pics, torchwood, john barrowman, relay for life, update, writing, unemployment

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