In honor...

Nov 21, 2011 02:17

I am putting a challenge out to my followers! Today I am going with Dad for a follow up with his urologist. Twice a year every year since his fight with prostate cancer he goes in for these check-ups to find out if he is still lucky enough to remain in remission.

The doctors put him into the "cure" category, but there is still that chance. He has had prostate cancer, and fought skin cancer at the same time. I love my Dad, and despite days like today being routine, I still approach them with trepidation. I am afraid of the cancer returning. I don't tell him this, amazed at his ability to face his medical struggles head on and still crack his corny jokes. Days like this he is an inspiration to me.

I also know several friends who have lost Mothers and Fathers to cancer, and I know friends whose parents are going through the fight right now. My heart will always be with them. I hug my Dad whenever I can, thankfully he is still here.

I mentioned a challenge earlier. I would love it if my followers clicked the link and could donate even a couple of dollars to Relay For Life.

My Personal Relay For Life Page

Do it for my Dad. Do it in honor of those we have lost. Do it so no one else has to see their parent fight this disease. Do it so we won't have to take our place in the battle against cancer. Every dollar makes a difference.

And if you can't, I understand, times are a but rough. Then do me another favor. Hug those close to you. Give your Mom or Dad a call, tell them you love them. Remember those we have lost, who are never far from our mind. I know I will. I'll be at my Dad's side in this fight - always.

Always, love.

My Dad, and Team GEEK's Traveling Duckie last week before his bloodwork.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

cancer, team geek, friends, relay for life, family

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