Jul 22, 2006 23:24
I went to kyle's house and added some harmonica to a song with his at home stuff and also some harmonies and it sounds really good.....then he was taking me back to the river front to get my car and we saw a cat on the side of the road that looked dead...
but then it lifted up its head and we put my shirt around it and brought it to the vet E.R. and they're taking care of it....we had to pay 85 dollars to see if it was even worth saving, and I am pretty sure it is I'm going to check on it tomorrow...kyle's the one who saw it....it's entire left side was so mangled....its left eye wouldn't dialate...it's left leg seemed broked and all of its whiskers on the left side were chopped off
anyways I cried...but we saved it. thank god kyle saw it in the first place.....