My Escape....continued

Feb 04, 2005 23:23

Suddenly out of nowhere I hear a big truck coming up behind me and men talking loudly. I have lost myself in daydreams. People are already starting to take their boats to the old ramp and head out of their fishing trips. I've stayed longer than I had hoped.

I get up and head back the my old neighborhood that I had passed along the way. I must have been at the boat ramp for hours. The sun is up and cars are all over the streets. I turn down my old street and at once feel like I'm in a slow motion flashback in a movie. Memories are so vivid here. It's almost like I have no other memories before that time in my life. The street makes an L shape and the far end from where I stand, the corner of the L shape, are trees and around the corner is a busy road.

I walk past my old friend's house and stare. Jeff and I used to sit in front of his house in two chairs and talk and laugh for hours almost every day. I remember, one time, Jeff and I were sitting outside talking and he had a glass of tea and a pitcher so he could refill his glass without getting up to go back inside. He finished his first glass and went to pour his second when he spilled some of the tea on his shirt. So to make it look like it was on purpose, being he always had to be cool, he poured the whole pitcher on himself. I thought it was hilarious. There were so many funny memories - so many great memories. I can't believe I'm leaving it all behind.

Nothing is really the same anymore. Not with our friendship and not even with his house. Those chairs aren't even there anymore. I lower my head and walk on. There's no more time for nostalgia.

"Aynsleigh!" A familiar voice calls out from behind me.
I spin around. "Jeff....What are you doing up this early? You usually sleep till the afternoon."

"I didn't go to sleep yet." he replies with a slight chuckle. "What are you doin' over here? Are you skipping school, Heather?" He sounds amused.

"Something like that." I reply. No need for him to know I'm never coming back. "Where are you heading?"

"To get some food. you?"

"I'm just going for a walk." I mumble as we head to wards the trees and around the corner. Down the road a little ways at the intersection I was heading for is a gas station he usually gets snacks from.

"I'll see ya, Jeff." I say as I stop and face him completely.

He stops too and asks, "Where are you going?"

He actually sounds worried. "Don't worry about it."

Jeff stretches out his arms. He want's a hug. His hugs were always so affectionate that they made me believe there was something more between us. I feel like I might cry. I hate good-byes. Even if he doesn't know it's for good, I know and it kills me. "Good-bye, Jeff." I manage to say it clearer than I thought I could through the huge lump growing in my throat. I turn before he can say anything else to me and begin to walk away.
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