Clue Challenge #19: January 2011

Dec 30, 2010 21:07

Although it's a bit early, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope you'll be able to enjoy the night wherever you are. I know I definitely will, hence the early post as I won't be able to make it until a few days after the date otherwise.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any challenge response fic or art this month, so I'll just move right along to the new set of prompts.

Clue Challenge #19: January 2011

Who: Don
What: Hallucinogen
Where: Indoors

Yep, I want poor Donny to not be quite himself for this set of prompts. I so love disassociative! or confused!Don, it's just got so much potential for both hurt and fun (for us that is), not to mention all of the emotional and mental knots you can twist and tie the poor man into that way.

So, show us a disoriented, out-of-touch with reality Special Agent Eppes. He can be only a little out of it, seeing things he knows aren't real, or he can be completely gone, right to the point of heart attack inducing fear.

Regarding the hurt aspect of the fic, if the potential for mindless terror isn't enough (a lot of people see their worst nightmares) then just consider the other possibilities. Perhaps the hallucinogenic also has additional properties that are physically painful. Perhaps Don gets hurt as a result of the hallucinogenic? He could do something to himself while under it's influence or, better yet, force someone else (Nikki/Colby/David/Megan/Liz/...) to hurt him to stop him from doing something? After all, a hallucinating federal agent who carries a gun is not a good combination to have. Especially if he thinks he's doing something good, like taking care of a threat that no one else seems to be able to see.

And if you don't want the whole fic indoors, then just say that he got dosed/injected/ingested/... the hallucinogen inside somewhere and then wandered or was 'escorted' outside. That could make things a lot more interesting, not to mention dangerous. Just imagine all of the things someone out of touch with reality could get himself into out there. Or perhaps that's exactly what the baddie planned? Dose him up and then turn him loose somewhere dangerous and watch Don get himself killed?

Maybe Don sees or discovers something supernatural (or otherwise impossible) in nature while under the influence of a hallucinogenic and writes it off as the drug's effect when really it isn't? Wouldn't that mess with the mind (both his and those of your poor readers!).

challenge prompt

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