It's true when they say, Misery enjoys company.

Dec 22, 2004 11:24

So with that being said. I am including all of you in on my misery.

I thought I was sick a few weeks ago. Na, that was just a teaser!

Now I am completely, 100 %, someone ran me over with a MAC truck, Sick..

I just feel like complaining because it's just about the only thing I can do given I have not an ounce of energy in my body.

I went to the doctor on Monday and found out that I have a sinus infection. It didn't even hurt that much when he told me. Now, it feels like a vice grip is squeezing out my brains through each ear. I am on antibiotics since Monday night. My prescription decongestant was out of stock and I have to pick it up today. Last night, I thought I wasn't going to make it through the night. The pounding in my head. Of course, I kept Ronnie up by crying..........all - night - long. He gave me some robatussin and I finally fell off. The way I was acting, I'm surprised he didn't slip arsenic in there too.

I get to work today and immediately feel like I'm going to fall on my ass and can feel the blood draining from my face. My nose just won't stop running! My eyes are blood shot, and I didn't even do my hair today. It hurt too much to brush it. Go home is what everyone is telling me but my manager is off and I have no sick time left, and I dont' want to take it from next year. Why God, why me?
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