(no subject)

Feb 05, 2006 20:23

I have a voracious appetite for life, I’m never satisfied with what’s on my plate and I always find room for more. I’ve been too busy with keeping my face in the tabloids, inserting myself in Elton’s honeymoon, and slagging off Hugh’s media girlfriend to write an update. I’d ask for a pass on the past few months but you’re either with me or against me and I’m not going to fight for those not on board.

Chalk up another ‘face of’ on my modelling chart, except replace the face with foot, and that’s my newest paying gig. I am the official model for Patrick Cox shoes, which is great because I like to keep most people at my feet. Project Catwalk is a success and my presenter days are blissful, I want to exist with as many hyphens as possible on my résumé.

I’ve begun the process of gaining organic status for my farm and I’ve joined the breeders club (for the pigs, not for myself) so I can add the ‘hyphen farmer’ to my curriculum vitae, although I think I’ll pass on the coveralls and work boots and continue to pay the hired help for the upkeep.

Much to everyone’s dismay, including my mum, Arun and I are not getting married on Valentine’s Day and we have no plans to do so anytime soon. I also must insist that my visit to an antenatal clinic in no way means I’m pregnant again. I’ll repeat, “no comment,” and you’ll have to look for follow up when the photo rights are sold.

Hugh and I split up our offices a short time ago and I still get a bit nostalgic when I go into work, it’s not the same without the occasional tea and gossip session to break up the day. Now and again people still ask how the two of us can remain such close friends given our past history and the only answer I can think of, besides his utter brilliance, is the fact that nobody else would tolerate us if they got to know either of us as well as we know each other.

He’s better than a brother, or a sister I guess, and is more devious than any mate deserves to be. He’s the one person I know I can always count on even if he wonders about my own reliability. He’s been there through it all and I will always keep a photo of us on my desk because he reminds me that as long as I’m on this earth my work is never done.
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