Nov 18, 2004 18:30
[x]Birthday: 7/7/89
[x]Members of Famm: mom,dad,2 bruthasz : jimmy & adam
[x]Pets: doq, 3 cokatial birds, 3 fighting fish, hampster, 4 finches, huqe tank of fish, & a rabbitt
[x]Member of Famm closest to you: amanda
The School Side
[x]School Name: LHS
[x]Do you have "school spirit"? yeah, duriinq spirt week.. depends on what it is..
[x]Fave subject: umm iidk, dont really have wun.. but lunch is the best =) if i had to pick it would be algerbra or history
This or That?
[x]Pop or Country? neither
[x]Rap or Rock? rap
[x]Classical or Latin? neither
[x]Chicken or Beef? chicken
[x]Fruits or Veggies? fruit
[x]Horror or Comedy? horror
[x]Theatre or Renting? theatre
[x]City or Country? iidk
[x]LiveJournal or Xanga? livejournal
[x]Silver or Gold? silver
[x]Surfing or Skateboarding? skate boarding
[x]T.V or Computer? computer
[x]Summer or Winter? summer
[x]Spring or Fall? spriinq
[x]Color: baby blue & piink
[x]Animal: idk
[x]Song: to many
[x]artist: to many
[x]Movie: to many
[x]Hangout Place: mall, movies, friends houses
[x]Drink: water or soda
[x]Game: uhh idk
[x]Sport: basketball
[x]Radio Station: 106.3 or 94.5
[x]TV Station: mtv, vh1.. alot moreee
[x]TV show: laguna beach, real world.. so many more
[x]Smell: got alot i like
[x]Flower: sun flower
[x]Store: a lot
[x]Teacher: kilsey or mauro
Which one of your friends is....
[x]The Sweetest: all of em
[x]The Most Understanding: manda
[x]The Best Listener: my best friends
[x]The Most Caring: manda & kay
[x]The Funniest: too manyyy
[x]The Craziest: manda, kay, jazmine, josh
[x]The Most Honest: jazminee
Crazy Questions
[x]If you were an MM, which one would you be and why? uhh idk
[x]If you were an animal, which would you be and why? dk
[x]Which friend of yours do you hang out with most? manda & kay
About Love
[x]Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? no bf
[x]Name? dont qot a bf
[x]Do you have a crush? yeah
[x]Do they know that you like them? no
[x]Do you plan on marriage? yeah
[x]Do you believe in love at first sight? sumtimes
[x]Do you want children after marriage? yeah
[x]Do you consider yourself a religious person? uhh kinda
[x]Do you love your God? yeah
When Was The Last Time You...
[x]Told someone you loved them: yesterday
[x]Saw a movie: idk
[x]Saw your best friend: manda-last weekend & kayla-every day
today wus boring, i had mostly all subs for my teachers today it wus aright.. the whole school had to have a reading period, during period 3 .. buhtt i didnt, i juss passed notes the whole tiime.. enqlish wus boring, had to do a stupid presentation on the canterbury tales.. history, juss sat theree & talked.. bio, we had to work with a partner on a lab.. so me and my friend alicia qot toqether & we were wondering why we couldnt really see nethinq in our microscope & where the dumb ones and foh qet to turn it on.. and lunch wus pretty good, took my friends hashbrown cuz i didnt have a lunch.. & study juss talked too ppl.. wow what a wonderful day.. 2morow im suppose to be going to the mall wiid manda,kay,joe, sam & some other ppl & sleeping at mandas houseee, well im gunna get goiing, laduh.. <33