Nov 17, 2004 14:28
*~*THIS or THAT*~*
Day/Night: day
Summer/Winter: summer
Spring/Autumn: spriinq
Blondes/Brunettes: neiither,red headsz are betta =)
Book/Computer: computerr
Walking/Jogging: walkiinq
Poetry/Short Stories: uhh idk
Reading/Writing: wriitinq
Black/White: both
Friends/Family: friiendsz
Drugs/Alcohol: alcohol
Hug/Kiss: kissez
Gloves/Mittens: qlovesz
Cats/Dogs: doqsz
Sweater/Sweatshirt: sweatshiirt
Fork/Spoon: fork
Toast/Bagel: baqel
Streamers/Balloons: balloonsz
*~*Just Some Questions on Love and Stuff*~*
Are You a Boy or Girl? qiirl
Single or Taken? siinqle
If Taken, For How Long? not taken
If Single, Do You Have a Crush? yeh
Do You Believe in Love? yeh
^^^ At First Sight?.... sumtiimesz
Ever Been in Love? yeh
Ever Loved Someone? yeh
*~*Your Friends*~*
Best? manda,dave,kayla,sean,lyssa kayla
Funniest? manda & kay
Loudest? jazmiine & manda
Shyest? none of my friiendsz are shy, im the shy wun
Nicest? all of em
Gives the best life advice? manda,dave,amber,jen,kay
Gives the best love advice? manda
Bitchiest? iidk
Snobbiest? nonee
You Wish You Were Closer To...?:: hmm...
Most Creative? manda & josh
Most Talkative? manda,heather,josh,jazmine
Pisses you off? none of em
Secretly Crushing On? hmm not sayiinq
Jealous Of? no wun
Love Like a Sibling? manda & kay.. liike sistasz to me
Color: baby blue & piink
Season: summer
Letter: iidk
Number: 6
Song: 2 many
artist: gunit,d12,jay z,nelly,eminem,snoop dogg & alot more
Boy Name:
Girl Name:
Article of Clothing: my "live in" sweatshirt even tho i cant find it
Drink: water
Animal: doqqie!
Teacher: mr kilsey & ms perirra
School Subject: lunch & hiistory
Sport to Play: basketball
Sport to Watch: football
*~*Right Now*~*
Listening to? emiinem-evil deedsz
Thinking about? alot stuff
...that wus pretty boriinq