Happy New Year!!!! Hope you have a great year!
I did NOT managed to complete my 31 stories in 31 days challenge that I set for myself in December, however I did post 30 stories and I am ridiculously happy about that! All in all I rounded out the challenge with:
- 8 fandoms (RPS, Superantural, Voltron, Fullmetal Alchemist, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, Yuri on Ice, and Free. The last two were new fandoms! YEAH!)
- 8 new stories
- Updates for 7 Verses (8 for Further Interruptions, 6 for A Pretty Enough Story, and one each for The Face, the HPOE, Clock, Story's End, and SPNCIS - all those last ones have been a year past updating... ick)
- Updates on 2 Works in Progress (also way out of date)
- 1 Time Stamp
- 2 stories in a new fandom (Free!) totalling 4,408 words. 1,048 for the new story in Yuri On Ice.
And a whopping word count of.......
So that makes two months in a row where I've hit over 50K (because of Nano in November). I probably didn't write 50K in all of last year so this makes me RIDICULOUSLY happy! I feel like I'm finally out of my writer's block and able to express myself again! Thank you so much to everyone who has offered support/kudos/likes/reblogs/comments this year! You help so much! Thank you!
My challenge for January? To edit the 75K novel I finished in November. A professional group of writers that I knoew recommended the Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook (by Donald Mass) and I'll be working on that, while hopefully still getting some new content up here.