When Nobody Knew (Part Five)

Feb 28, 2018 00:05

Title: When Nobody Knew
Fandom: RPS/Pern Fusion
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Aloqueth's first flight, and a meeting of WeyrLeaders.

If Jared went into a bout of moodiness after that day, no one noticed.  What they did see was Jared’s ever steady presence, his persistence, and his ability to calm others just by being there.  His words were a boon to the injured in Threadfall and Aloqueth was becoming an expert in how to calm other dragons as well.

He spent his spare time on a project of his own, one that Jr. Weyrwoman Dannielle took to as well.  They had made a fair dent in the hides that were about to be lost to time.   They were often caught up late into the night, a glow basket between them in Dannielle’s outer chambers as they copied them onto new skins, preserving the history and knowledge of those who had gone before.

If Jared noticed the Weyrleaders frowning at his lack of personal time, he ignored it.  Just as he ignored the pain he felt every time M’rk came to a Wingleader meeting.  Not that J’sen had ever come to them if he could send someone else in his place, but it was the fact that M’rk had replaced him that rankled.  Still, he had a good relationship with the bronzerider, ever since he’d helped Proth after a nasty hit during Fall and the older rider was a strong, steady head when things got heated in meetings.  Or when people pushed Jared too far.

That’s why it was a comfort to see the Wingleader across the bowl as Jared sat nervously atop Aloqueth, staring down across the bowl for the first time.

Aloqueth had been making flights on her own for some time now, but as with the other Weyrlings in her class, they had finally been deemed physically strong enough to bear a rider on their backs.  Aloqueth had been saying she was ready for some time, and though Jared thought she was probably right, he knew that they needed to wait for the rest of their friends to mature.  If he and Aloqueth pushed to attempt a flight before the others, someone was bound to try it on their own.

Are you ready, love? Jared asked the Queen.

She gave a little huff.  The entire weyr is watching.  I’d better be.

Jared patted her shoulder, then adjusted his riding straps one more time.  They can’t help but come to admire your beauty.

I am beautiful ,the Gold said.  They all say so.  Even the dragons from other weyrs.

Jared gave a snort at that.  There was more than one foreign dragon on their island today.  Jared would like to say that it was a coincidence that they’d shown, but he didn’t have that kind of confidence in coincidence.  It must have gotten out somehow.

Let’s give them a good show then, shall we?

He saluted to the WeyrlingMaster and his 2nd to let them know he was ready and got their response in return.  If anything looked like it was going wrong, J’mes and T’moh would be there to help them.

Jared let out a deep breath as he felt Aloqueth’s muscles tense under him.  Then she jumped from the ledge and they were in the air.  It was supposed to be a short jump down to the weyr floor, but Aloqueth snapped her wings open and took a leisurely glide around the weyr bowl.  It was a perfectly executed circle and she landed right where she was supposed to.

Jared should have had words with her, but as soon as they were in the open air he’d been caught in the sensation of flying.  The air against his face, the feel of his own dragon underneath him, the thrill of being able to go anywhere they wanted.  They hadn’t learned how to go between just yet, but the whole of Pern was theirs when they did.

When he landed he let out a hoot of laughter and smiled as he pulled the goggles from his face.  It wasn’t a long enough flight to demand them, but J’mes said they needed to get used to them from the get go.  J’mes smiled widely at Jared and T’moh came up beside him and clapped him on his shoulder.

“Nice landing, Jared.  Pass on my compliments to Aloqueth,” the WeyrlingMaster 2nd said.

“Sorry about the extra flight time, J’mes.  Aloqueth didn’t give me any warning.”

J’mes nodded but he was smiling instead of frowning.  “Considering the audience, I didn’t think she would do any less.  That Queen of yours feels the need to prove something, sorta like her rider.”

Jared reached across the bond to Aloqueth and looked up when he realized she wasn’t paying any attention to him.  Aloqueth?

There was a bronze on the ridge.  He got here right before we took off.  He just left.

Was he bothering you?

Congratulating me.

Why are you bothered then, Jared asked.

Just curious why he and his rider don’t stay for the evening meal.  They never do, though I always ask when I see them.

It was news to Jared and sounded far too much like someone from another weyr was checking up on them when he hadn’t noticed.  Who is it?  What weyr?

Igen.  But Strith never stays.

J’sen was here?

J’sen is always here when the others come.

Jared frowned at the news.  J’sen couldn’t have bothered to check up on him when he was in the same weyr, but now he was reporting to Igen about his performance?  He shook his head of the black mood it put him in but Aloqueth was poking him with her nose, nearly knocking him down.

The others are excited about their first flight.  Are you not?

I am, Aloqueth.  You were amazing!

He let the Queen talk him away from his mood and he followed his fellow weyrlings into the weyr to celebrate, forgetting for a moment, his feelings of betrayal and hurt.


“Things are going to get tough,” the Weyrleader of High Reaches said to the table.  Jared was ready for this meeting to end.  He was there as a witness, nothing more.  He was in good company though.  The Weyrleaders of all six weyrs didn’t meet often so there were Junior Weyrwomen from each weyr present.  Dannielle wasn’t beside him, but she was across the room, speaking softly from time to time with Igen’s Junior, Kathryn.  He’d tried to ingratiate himself to the other Juniors as well, but he’d found a hard time speaking to the riders of High Reaches and Telgar.  He’d given it up when Kathryn had barely been able to look him in the eye.  It didn’t say much about what the Igen leadership thought of his role as a Queenrider.

“The holds won’t be able to keep the tithes if the pass continues as hard as it’s been,” F’ed continued.  Jared disliked the man and the warning M’rk had given him didn’t help any.  M’rk had asked to transfer from the weyr because of the man’s hidebound ways.  Jared appreciated the silent support M’rk had always given him and he had taken the warning to heart.  F’ed and his Weyrwoman, Amanda, had no love for Jared and the way he’d upset things at Ista Weyr.

“Things always get tight during a Pass,” J’lian was quick to answer.  The Benden Weyrleader was the oldest among them, but he was surprisingly young at heart.  It had surprised everyone when his bronze continued to catch his Weyrwoman Lindsey’s Queen, but no one in Benden seemed surprised that the man was able to keep up with his Weyrwoman.  A fond look passed between them as she entwined their fingers together.  “If it was easy, the planet wouldn’t need us.  The weyrs will make do with the tithes that are sent and the Holds will do their best to keep us strong.  It is a cycle that was long set up and has sustained us for all the Passes and Intervals between.  Or do you doubt your own ability to keep up, F’ed?”

There was no love between Benden and High Reaches, though Jared knew from his time in the Harper Hall that there used to be much stronger ties there.

“Who’s to say what will happen in a Pass when men ride Queens?” S’ling from Telgar intervened.  The dark skinned Weyrleader wasn’t a fan of Jared’s.  His weyrwoman Ruth seemed to go between doting mother and bane of his existence each time Jared saw her.

“I haven’t noticed Ista having any problems with Fall, or their tithing,” T’mothy of Fort said quickly.  There was no doubt that T’mothy approved of Jared.  In fact, he had come to Ista himself after hearing about Jared’s impression and laughed himself to tears when he made Jared recount the story.  His Weyrwoman, Genevieve had shaken her head at the antics of her Weyrmate and smiled at Jared, telling him they’d always known he’d do great things somewhere.  And cause trouble while doing so.

“A weyr will never falter, so long as it has a strong Queenrider to guide it,” Genevieve said as she smiled.  She looked at Samantha, Dannielle, and finally Jared.  “Ista has three.  I doubt you will hear them complain about a lack of leadership any time soon.”

“A truth we can hope holds true in all our Weyrs and Holds over this Pass,” J’frey stepped up as usual to keep the peace between the others.  Jared wished he’d held his tongue a little longer, as it looked like S’ven of Igen was about to say something.  Jared didn’t have any dealing with the other Weyrleader.  He had dark skin and a deep voice, no nonsense when he did speak at meetings.  His Weyrwoman Briana was almost his complete opposite with a warm smile for all who looked.  Jared didn’t know what the pair thought of him and Aloqueth.  They had never, in the few times he’d seen them, offered their support or condemned him.  It bothered him that he didn’t know his place with Igen Weyr.

“Be that as you may,” Amanda began.  “The Weyrleader of High Reaches isn’t wrong.  The Weyrs are going to suffer if something isn’t done about tithing this Pass.  We can’t continue to fight thread, especially in these horrid conditions, without increased supplies.”

None of the weyrs were having an easy Pass.  High temperatures made sure that less thread froze in the skies above them and more fell.  Less rain fall had stinted some of the crops which left tithes light.  It all left tempers high.

“Too bad we don’t still have the South,” Jared said into the silence.

He hadn’t meant to say it aloud, but he looked at Dannielle and she nodded in agreement.

“What about the South?” Benden’s Weyrwoman asked.

Jared realized he’d said it aloud then and looked at Samantha for guidance.  She smiled and nodded her head for him to continue.  “I’m sorry.  Jr. Weyrwoman Dannielle and myself were copying old records to keep them from being lost and there were mentions of the Southern Continent.  It was a half written song in one of our oldest ledgers.  It spoke of supplies from the Southern Continent.”

“No one has been to the South in…  “ S’ven trailed off because no one in their right minds travelled to a land with no weyr for protection.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.  I’m sorry,” Jared added hastily.  “It was a fancy.  If the South had ever sent supplies to the weyrs I’m sure there would be other records.  The Harper of the record had a fondness for collecting local superstitions and songs made to pass them along.  It was surely just a legend.”

“If we’re done telling fairytales, perhaps we can get back to business,” S’ling said.

Jared sighed as he tried to step back even further into the wall.  When he looked up, Briana of Igen was watching him closely.  When S’ven whispered into her ear, her smile grew wider but her eyes never left Jared.

On to Chapter Six

pern, story: when nobody knew, genre: slash, fanfic: rps

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