Happy New Year!!

Jan 01, 2017 21:24

Happy New Year everyone!

I'm not big on resolutions, but around this time of year I do tend to look at what I've been doing and try to set goals for myself.  This year I want to finish some projects I've had planned (writing wise) and to read more (non-fandom :P).

For the second part, my daughter and I are going to do our own little book club.  I figure a book a month will give me plenty of time to read fanfic and still get my book club reading done.  And if I get pulled into a book series, then I'll get to do a little more reading :P  Win-win, right?  Our only real rule is that neither of us can have read it before and that it has to be a single book or only the first book in a series (if we want to read the rest of a series it has to be outside of book club :P)  I found four books on my shelves that were interesting and age appropriate and my daughter picked the Ranger's Apprentice by Flanagan.  It was at my Mom's and I think she kept it there for my daughter to read some day so I think that's why she picked it.  So we'll be reading that this month.

For the first part, you know how there are stories you've always wanted to get back to and make a sequel?  Or the stories you never quite finished?  That's my goal this year.  So here is my list of stories to finish/make a sequel to:

We're Not in Kansas Anymore - This was a J2_everafter story based on Narnia.  It has another 7K written that I never published and the whole story is already plotted out and waiting to be written.  There are people with animalistic tendancies, missing sisters, scientific legacies, and robots ahead.  Yep, you heard me.  Narnia with robots.  Because... my  brain.

Jared Padalecki Adventure Series - Yep.  I always intended this to become 3 stories.  I have the research done and everything.  I just need the motivation to get in there and get to it. The working title is JP and the Revenge of the River God.  We'll see what happens :P

The Ghost - Ever since I finished this one, I've been itching to return to it.  Why?  Because I actually want to see the Ghost as part of a team.  I want to see Jared learn how to be one of the most powerful magic users in human history and how that affects him, after being a Void most of his life.  Plus... I'll admit I want to see more of them in the bedroom.

When Nobody Knew -  My Pern AU.  I love this.  Adore it.  SO much love.  But I fight against myself every time I write it because i'm stepping over Weyr law (and I was in Pern fandom and was BOD on a few weyrs) so it goes against my grain a bit.  However, this isn't Pern Fandom which died a slow death a while ago (at least the way I knew it) and I adore them so I'm doing it anyway and writing what I want and I don't care if AM didn't have male Queen riders.  Her ideas on sexuality are completely outdated with what we now know makes what she thought about how it affected dragon pairings is totally bogus.  So i'm ignoring it :P  Anyway, after a little 100 word drabble from J'sen yesterday, I feel very strongly about getting my hands dirty in this one again, so new update soon :P

Nothing Else Matters - So I was going to write this as a full story, and then it turned into a couple snippets and a verse, but I could never really wrap myself around which way to go with it.  I hate when people start stories and don't finish it so i've decide to write this as a full story.  Take it from where the verse ended and just plot it out from there.

Verses - Yeah.  Some i'm closing out.  Some i'm going to write as full stories to end them.  I love them, but I just can't keep updating and I don't want a host of stories just left open-ended without some sort of completion.  I will NOT be ending Face or Charming or SPNCIS anytime soon.  Or Clock Verse and Story's End (See.. a lot are still safe) :P  However I feel that most of the others I can wrap up pretty easily, and then if I add to it a little as time goes on, so be it... but at least they'll have a completed feel to them.

Dawnfire Skies (an original) - A Steampunk coming of age story that I've been working on.  I added 50K during Nano this year, but I still need to get an ending on it.
Stone Soldiers (an original) - An old Nano project I didn't finish.  Medieval soldiers who swear an oath to return whenever their clans need them.  They turn to stone between wars, only to awaken in time of need.  Two warring soldiers have to work together when a larger army threatens both their clans.
Painted Autobiography of a Dreamer (an original) - Another old nano project.  The name came from a story name generator and I took it as a challenge to find a story strange enough for that prompt.  A seer leaves his home planet and lives among the derelicts on a space station.  An ex-cop sees something that no one will believe because he was the guy that handed over the corrupt cops when no one else would.  They have a mystery to solve and a young girl to save.

I'm also determined to try to publish something.  Not necessarily manage it (because I know it's touch and there are so many amazing writers out there) but to actually submit something.  I keep hemming and hawwing about it, and when I get in the mood I do research about what sort of publisher to go to, but I've still never submitted anything and I feel like I should.

Away from fandom... goal is to apply to grad school again, and look for a way to increase my income.  I love my job and I don't want to quit, but I can only work 3.5 hours a day.  I'm staying with it right now because I can observe with the OT to get the hours I need to apply for school, but once that's done I'm trying to decide to look for something with more hours, or maybe find a job I can work in the afternoons around my schedule/kid's schedule.  Fun times.

Anyway... 2017.  Yeah!
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