Nano is here....

Nov 01, 2016 16:35

Yep.. it's that time of year.  This year I will try (once again) to finish my original steampunk novel.  I started it in 2013.  It took a turn I hadn't expected and I never quite figured out how to get past it.  I did finally plot it out last year, but with my mom's passing last year and being in two shows in November I just couldn't get it together.

I'm hoping this year I'll manage it.  I feel like I have more drive to finish it than I have in the last few years I tried, plus my kid's show ends the week before Thanksgiving, and they (and I) will have the whole week after that off.  If I fall behind, I'm hoping to get caught up then.

So wish me luck and if you see me posting other things, kick my butt back to Nano :P

writing, nano

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