Of Wings To Fly

Jul 22, 2014 00:26

Title: Of Wings to Fly
Artist : necrora
Rating: R
Summary: Jared Padalecki is the world’s foremost Augmentor, an expert in making life better through technological advancement.  He’s designed steam-fueled carriages and even made improvements to his brother’s airship.  His passion though is to help the less fortunate, to use mechanics and gear work to help heal broken bodies.  In all his years as an Augmentor, Jared has never let any of his clients get under his skin, but no other client has ever been like Jensen Ackles before.  Jensen is a Mer with surgically created legs instead of a tail and a broken exoskeleton that should make it possible for him to walk.

It isn’t a simple task.  From the first observation, something feels wrong to Jared.  His desire to help Jensen takes him on a long journey, through confidantes and betrayal, airship flights and naval battles, to grief and love.  As Jared and Jensen find the truth behind the broken exoskeleton, they find an even greater truth.  It doesn’t take wings to learn to fly.

Or, the J2 AU Steampunk Little Mermaid.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four
Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
Master Art Post
Story on AO3

Author's Note:  This was such an amazing experience.  Written for the spn_j2_bigbang challenge.  I was blessed to work with necrora who did such amazing art.  Not just the art, but concept pieces as well that were not only accurate to what I'd envisioned, but truly inspiring when I was stuck.  Please go see her post and give her the love she majorly deserves!  Beta'd by the lovely kuhakuu who kicked this into shape for me last minute, minus a (major) scene or two.  Thank you both for all your hard work!  Enjoy!!!  

story: of wings to fly, genre: slash, setting: steampunk, au, j2, fanfic: rps, master post

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