Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy

Dec 24, 2008 02:30

Title: Jared Padalecki and the mystery of the Egyptian Mummy
Author: hunters_retreat
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: J2 AU.  Jared is a young Egyptologist trying to find a prize.  Jensen is an adventurer in need of a mystery.  Jared provides him with one.  This is the story of the legend they become.
Author's Notes:  This is a happy birthday for zannes  !  It's not exactly what you asked for yet, however it's going to be.  I hope anyway.  It might take me a while to get there, but I wanted at least an opening for you.  Enjoy!

They were legend. One was handsome and talented and brilliant beyond comparison. He could read more than two dozen languages by the time they met and never stopped learning new ones. He was a master of lore and had a knowledge of customs that rivaled the natives. He had a love of Egypt and all things pertaining to it. And beyond that, he had a love for the Egyptian Mummy.

The other was cocky and brash. He could blend into the environment and leave nothing of himself behind. He was beautiful and street smart with a way of charming that seemed to come with the ease of breathing. He was a leader, a general of men, and a planner of battles. He loved adventure and never settled for long in the same place. There were only two things he enjoyed more than solving a mystery. The first was having the other man to solve it with, a companion on the trail, the brain to his brawn, the knowledge to his instinct. The second, well… it was enough to say that he found a second love and that it was beyond anything a mortal could dream of.

Together they were more than they could hope to be alone. But legend, as one liked to tell the other, had to start somewhere. Their legend was no different. This is that beginning. This is the story of how a young Egyptologist came to know a certain young adventurer, about how the two came to know one another, and how their lives became forever intertwined.

This is the story of Jared Padalecki and the mystery of the Egyptian Mummy.

On to Chapter One

writing, wishlists, wip, j2

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