You guys rocked with the pimping advice.... just a thank you for that!
I started pimping out the older stories for my smaller fandoms. I decided I could do most of them all in one swoop since there were only 3-4 stories for them. SPN will take a while to post and I decided to divvy out my bangs and verses, just doing the one multi-post of the shorter stories I wrote.
I think I will try to go through soon and edit my comms also. I'm watching 183 comms. And um.. no i'm really not because I skip through most of the stories. A lot I just joined because I wanted to be able to post fic there but I don't really watch the comm. So yeah... gonna go back and change all that soon. And get rid of the ones that are defunct. That should take me a while.
This weekend though, I have some school reading to do, and then some writing. I need to finish my 2
j2_everafter fics and make at least one
kissbingo line (yeah for more verses!) :P Maybe even try for my angstbingo before the deadline, but no stress if I don't. And after that, if I can manage I still have an
apocabigbang to write. I've been having trouble getting into that one. I think i'm just a bit intimidated to write a long NCIS story... though the comments from SPNCIS have actually helped because I've had people say I got the NCIS cast dead on and that's awesome to hear. So that will probably be on my list of things to write this weekend as well.
Anywho... time to get some sleep. :P
Thank you all.. you're awesome.
Oh.. and a question.... a couple people made comments about me using a master fic post when I was asking advice about posting and pimping. Do you guys not know that I have one??? Just curious.