Series: The Pendulum Swings
hunters_retreat Character: John Winchester
Rating: R
Summary: John has known the day was coming for a long time, but when Sam says he's going to college, something unexpected happens. Well, unexpected to John anyway. How was he supposed to know his oldest would follow in Sam's wake. And what the hell was he supposed to do now, a hunter with no back up and no one to help him research. AU
Warning: Bad father John! Also, possibly future references to incest (Sam/Dean)
Author's Notes: This is an offshoot of the
Clock Verse and will probably make no sense without knowing that. This is, in fact, the story from John's POV.
The Pendulum Swings: What the hell was his oldest thinking?
Only a Matter of Time: He smiled as he leaned over, kissing her lips one time, the first real kiss he’d given her all night, and she shivered as he pulled away.
Nothing But The Ticking of the Clock: John's POV after his meeting with Dean in Ten O'Clock