What I Love About Writing....

Jul 25, 2010 00:52

What I Love About Writing (In no particular order, other than the last being my favorite :P)

1) I love writing verses and sequels because there is this world you establish at some point and each time you go back, it's there just waiting for you!  You just pick up the pieces and go with it.

2) I love writing characters you already know and making them into something else, twisting the way they think and making them into something more.

3) I love to write original characters because no one knows what they're capable of.  Especially me :p

4) I love to play in worlds that don't exist, whether it's a rural town in Ohio that I made up or a future setting or a different world.  The sky is the limit.  IF there is  a sky :p

5) I love writing prompts.  I love to take an idea I would never have thought up and just running with it.  Two of my favorite things i've written have come from someone else's prompts.  (Jared Padalecki and the Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy was written for zannes who asked for a Mummy type fic, and The Face Verse comes from alldunn asking me for a story with Dean/Jensen/Alec.  Priestly got thrown in for downfall35 )

6) I love the frustration I get when I'm trying to plot out a story and it won't work and nothing is going right... and then WHAM!  BINGO!  It all lines up!

7) I love feedback.  Sometimes you get the bad, and sometimes I want to strangle people when they try to correct me on my wording (why yes that was a word choice I made... not an error but thanks for trying :P).   but I currently have about 80 comments in my in box to answer and it makes me so damn happy just to know that people are taking the time to read MY stories.

8) I love when people ask for more.  I wrote a piece a while back, and got a few requests to continue it.  It was a short bit and I ended up making it into three pieces.  I just pimped it out this weekend and got another request to write more.  I don't know if I will... but it makes me want to :p

9) I love typing until my fingers hurt.  I love the feeling I get when I know i've exhausted my creative muscles.  It helps me escape, helps me get out the frustrations I had during the day, gives me hope when I need it.  Come on... where else can I cut someone to pieces while we're having sex, or make out in a graveyard, or go sailing through space with my captain after escaping mercenaries???  Um why yes, I do live vicariously through  my fic :p


10) THE THING I LOVE MOST ABOUT WRITING:  I love when you're writing a story and all of a sudden it all goes to hell!  You had every intention of making that character turn left and go into the parking lot to the car, but HOLY HELL!  Did you see that! He just went into the alley!! Wait!  There's a fight!  I didn't plan a fight!  What the hell!!  He is NOT supposed to be picking up a hooker!  The hooker is WHO?  NO! NO! NO!  HE's supposed to be a waiter at the restaurant he was supposed to be getting in his car to go to his blind date (which was supposed to die a short death when the waiter spilled water on his date's shirt!)     And then you have a brand new story and you don't have any clue where it's going and you're just along for the ride, telling someone else's story even though you've never met this person before in your life.

What do you love about writing??  And don't be shy.. ask around :p  You might be surprised what you find out from your friends :P

((I had to stop to do this... was working on my scifibigbang and had one of those moments where I had to share it... just... F'ING LOVE where the characters are taking me right now and we're only about 4K into the story :P))


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