Ever After Challenge

Jan 10, 2010 01:01

7,800 words in and I've just got him through the first 24 hours on the ship.  Lets hope my montage covers as much ground as the movie's did or i'm screwed.

On the upside... feeling better without the drugs today.  And... only the first draft of this is due tomorrow.  I can still add later!  YEAH!  Though I fully admit I might have gotten further in the last two days if farleigh and leonidaslion hadn't put out new chapters of To Honour Loses and The Bright Lights of Disturbia  (Farleigh=evil because how many words an no intercourse yet??)  (Leonidaslion=evil because i'm afraid of what else will come up now that Dean seems to be coping)  *Snuggles you both*

writing, procrastinators r us

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