The Year Ending Figures

Jan 05, 2010 03:05

So this will bore the hell out of everyone.. but it's what I do.  I'm amazingly organized (in big spurts) with my numbers.. so here are my Year Ending figures:

2008: 193,271 words in 3 Fandoms (SPN, J2, & Dark Angel)

520,141words in 30 fandoms.

Further Broken Down: (all fandoms over 1,000 words - NOT counting Verses in the individual fandoms)
144,940 - RPS
118,519 - SPN [Factoring in SPN-only verses, I wrote 126,590 Sam/Dean, 22,633 Dean/Castiel, and 10,840 Other (Gen or other pairings)]
117,079 - Verses
52,850 - Crossovers
50,918 - Original
22,106 - Dark Angel
13,440 - Leverage
5,384 - Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
3,209 - Numb3rs
2,347 - NCIS
1,555 - Fringe
1,125 - SG-1
1,085 - Merlin
Other Fandoms (-1000) Firefly, Transformers, Riddick, Star Trek, Dirk Pitt, Merry Gentry, PotC, Dune, Devour, Bones, Dollhouse, Harry Potter, Buffy tVS, My Bloody Valentine, Poltergeist: the Legacy, X-Files, Princess Bride, X-Men, Friday the 13th, Lost Boys

I didn't break down the verses and try to add them back into the specific fandoms because most of my verses are crossovers and that would have been a pain in the ass.  But I do have this break down :P

Clock Verse: 25,415 (12 CH)
The Face: 21,726 (6)
Charming: 17,886 (33)
What You're Getting: 10,575 (16)
Terminator: The Winchester Chronicles: 9,755 (17)
How To Make A Better Like (By Stealing Office Supplies & Having Sex In Small Corners): 6,784 (6)
Taking Chances: 6,676 (5)
Story's End: 5,844 ( 3)
Understanding: 4,873 (4)
Candyland: 4,044 (3)
Per!verse: 3,501 (4)

And a list of some of the challenges I took part in this year: deancastiel's secret angel exchange, renegade angel exchange, story commentary challenge, Quickfire drabble Challenge,   spn_teamfic , sammessiah anti-christmas, spn_kink meme, da_halloween  rockin_the_80s , comment_fic , Fall Fandom Free For All, Porn Battle VI, spn_j2_xmas , sncross_bigbang , xover_exchange , nanowrimo, spn_meanttobe , whenboymeetsboy , spn_j2_bigbang , ficfinishing , kamikazeremix , whenthewarsover , 10_hurt_comfort .  I also got nominated for wicked_awards and two stories written last year were nominated for Rock Salt & Feather Awards :P

I created diy_challenges (which is really just a place I used to keep track of my challenges :P), spn_moresomes , and cyospnadventure  which I hope to open up soon (for my choose your own adventure story :P)

Also, I did a little bit of work with icons.  I still suck at it, but it's fun to take a challenge.  I completed the 100iconsspn  for brothers and for Castiel.  I also did the ackles_icontest Challenge 19 and won the Mod's choice award :P

Yeah... I feel like bragging a little :P It was a fun year and I'm excited to see what will come in 2010!  Thanks for sticking around!


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