Oct 25, 2009 19:25
I'm stuck, of all things, on writing porn.
I've been working on The Winchester for ages... and i'm stuck because I can't get into the right head space to write Dean/Castiel sex. I don't know what it is about this scene. I mean... we have Dean slamming Castiel up against the wall and kissing him. I LOVE wall!sex so why can't I write it in this scene?
I'd say I just need to take a break but I haven't written anything for it this week. I got them this far last week and just... stopped.
Maybe I should write the Face. I can always write that porn. :P Probably not... maybe I can write more the Sealgaire and the Dragan. I'm sure I could find some porn to add to that :p We'll see.
I did get another chapter of the Mummy done. For anyone reading it, i'm focusing on getting the series finished this week and as soon as I have the last few chapters done I will get the next Chapter up! YEAH! Finally! 9 months later and i'm almost done!