Mar 23, 2007 22:27
"What is the biggest mistake you've made in a relationship?"
Wait, what kind of relationship?
There are many ways you can be involved with someone that don’t involve …sex, or you know that overrated thing called love.
I’ve only ever been involved with one woman and I’ve had sex with a whole lot more but the only mistake I ever made was falling in love and I am never going to make that mistake again.
If we’re looking at my other relationships then I guess you could say I’ve made more than my fair share of mistakes. The problem with relationships is that no matter what someone’s going to get hurt, sooner or later. I’d prefer later but most of the time it’s sooner.
Biggest mistake I ever made on a whole?
I guess that would be when I had a man’s life in my hands (even though he was holding the gun) and I didn’t protect him. Guy was just trying to do what he thought was right and unlike a whole lot of people in this world he had the balls to do what needed to be done. I respected him for that, even if his theory about …man-droids totally sucked, but he didn’t know any better and he was one of those guys, you know?
His name was Ronald and he was a man willing to die for what he thought was the right thing to do, how many people do you know that are willing to do that? Not that many, let me assure you.
The only thing I can say about his death is that it was quick. Police snipers are good that way, one shot straight to the heart and the poor guy never knew what hit him. I just look back on it and I wish I could have done more than I did, protected him better, and kept him in the dark just like Sammy wanted.
Ronald was a good guy and he didn’t deserve to die that way.
Muse : Dean Winchester
Fandom : Supernatural (Misc TV)
Word Count : 327
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