Some people do not know how to sell things, and it's incredibly irritating.
I was chasing someone to buy a pet from them and they just kept futzing me around. They were never available before 10 or 11 pm, as though we were going to drive over at 11 pm at night to pick up a pet? After three or so times of that I finally said that I simply couldn't do late evenings. Then it seemed arranged and then it was bumped back again. Then we had a fairly solid plan and I called him in the morning and he had food poisoning. So it took almost a week of every-single-day being 'the day' and Hunter was fairly disappointed and in tears many times which didn't improve my mood any.
I was finally so irritated that Jason took Hunter and I around to several pet stores to look to buy a rabbit. But apparently bunnies aren't very popular as there were only two at the third (and final) store we looked at and they just didn't quite appeal. We did contemplate another hamster but Hunter decided that they were too noisy and "distracted him from sleeping at night" because they chew and burrow. And he wanted to go back to Dada Place and we couldn't do that if we bought a pet. He did want a Chinchilla but since I know nothing about them and didn't want to spend $500 on a basic set-up and animal, I quickly vetoed that idea. Ferrets might've gone over but there was no sale tag on them and none for sale online (I prefer to buy proven and handled animals that are looking for new homes rather than pet-store ones that've spent their lives in cages).
His name is Bruce [after Bruce Wayne, aka Batman]. It was either that or J'onn J'onzz (Martian Manhunter) but I was over-ruled there. He's about two years old and he's a
House Rabbit, so no cage. Which is just as well since even the smallest rabbit cages are like $200.
He's very sweet and loves to be petted, although he won't let you pick him up. He's litter-trained, at least for urine. He seems to enjoy pooping on my floor but at least rabbit droppings are dry and it may just be temporary because of the change of homes (so I hope).
Hunter is quite enamored of him. "I like my cute little bunny!" and many laughs and he even insists that it's 'his job' to pick up leavings so he definitely is doing quite well with the responsibility aspect, which goes with the overall change I've seen in him over the past several months. He's suddenly developed empathy for animals after spending much of his life chasing our skittish cats, despite numerous time-outs, warnings and talking-tos. It's awesome. :-)