Mar 31, 2005 09:31
Science is corrupt.
It is supposed to be the pursuit of truth, but when truth is not 'profitable' or goes against certain previously 'established' paradigms, then it gets pushed into obscurity.
Bogus science is on the increase, as people are paid to research new things and new ideas.
When someone's grant is dependant on whether or not they succeed, then they are more likely to fudge the results... its human nature.
With companies only looking for more profit, new discoveries that could potentially help mankind are being brushed under the carpet, or not researched at all, unless they are more profitable than whatever the existsing solution is.
E.g. A cure for cancer.
With the cancer industry a multi-billion dollar money spinner for the pharmaceutical industry, where is the impetus to find a cure, when you can keep people sick and paying for Chemotherapy and treatments that don't work 80% of the time?
There are plenty of alternative treatments that have had varying degrees of success, above and beyond what the pharma industry is pushing, but because they are not profitable, they get called 'bad science' and shelved at best, or even outright banned.
The same thing happens with alternate fuels, or motors.. They threaten the profits of the large oil companies, so they get denounced, or bought out and shelved.
The technology exists to run zero emissions cars, or at best, very very low emissions. But why do we not see them? Because they threaten the profitability of the big oil companies, who have enough political sway to stop the alternatives dead.
Sure there are a coulpe of dual-fuel or alternative type cars you can buy, but this is a half hearted effort at best, made to LOOK like something is actually being done.
Profit has become the enemy of truth and humanity.
When science is only performed for profit, there is no truth in it anymore.