Mar 16, 2005 09:41
It amazes me how many people think they are 'free'... when they plainly are not.
Freedom to choose what you watch on TV, what movies you see... what you do in your free time...
That is not freedom, that is just an illusion.
What we watch on TV is all screened and sanctioned... The Movies and what is in them are all screened, censored and guided in certain directions. The people with enough money to present things like TV and Movies, have their own agenda, and thus, show you what they want you to see.
I don't ever recall being asked if i wished to be a Citizen of my country.
I don't ever recall being asked if i wished to abide by the laws of my country.
I don't ever recall being asked if i wished to pay taxes, or being asked how i wanted them spent.
I don't ever recall being asked if i wished to work for someone else, to make them rich.
If all these things have been thrust upon me without my asking..
How then am i free?
Democracy is not freedom, its just the illusion of freedom.
Democracy is rule by the majority, at the expense of minorities. (I define minorities, as those who think differently to the majority of people.. not just those of different ethnic backgrounds)
If this wasn't bad enough, the majorities views themselves are swayed and programmed by a smaller group of rich and powerful, who control whats seen and available on the TV, Movies and Newspapers.
Thus Democracy becomes a tool of the rich and powerful, to set their own agenda, and push society towards their own goals at the expense of everyone else.
People think they are free, because the media has polarised the view of 'Slavery' to be people in chains and manacles.
"Obviously if I not chained and beaten, then I am not a slave" ...
Its amazing how many people think this, because they have been conditioned to think this way.
If there is something that needs to happen to further the agenda of those with power, all they have to do is create a situation where the majority will demand a certain course of action form the Government. This course of action is then followed through, those with power got what they wanted... and the majority 'think' they got what was best for them.
For example, if it is percieved by those in control that more gun control is needed, then the media will start highlighting and bringing gun crime into the public view. There will be talk shows about the 'sudden increase' in gun related crimes. Current Affairs shows will interview victims, and all the papers will have headlines and major stories about it.
Suddenly the public is demanding that something be done, before they themselves become a victim!
Thus new laws are written, everyone agrees to them, and the result that those in power wanted in the first place, is then instituted.
Now its not much of a stretch to think that events may even be 'created', and then thrust into public view, so as to push the outcome that is desired.
A real life example:
In Sydney, before the war on Iraq started, there was a protest with hundreds of thousands of people, in a city with 4.5 million people.. thats a LARGE percentage of the population.. Protesting against the war on Iraq, and protesting Australia's involvement. Public opinion was very strongly against the war.
Not long after, there was a 'terrorist' bomb blast in Bali. It killed 86 Australians, most of them teenagers who had been visiting the popular tourist area. Australia for the most part is a very sporting nation, with many many people following football and cricket etc. Now, the victims of the bombing were mostly teenagers, whos sports teams had gone to Bali to celebrate the end of their season.
So "Not only did they kill our kids! They killed our future sports stars too!!! Something must be done!!!"
Soon after, our Prime Minister commited troops to the war on Iraq, and public opinion had swayed towards supporting the war on terror, as it was suddenly on our doorstep.
Very convenient, no?
Democracy itself doesn't really work, as its supression of the minorities by a majority.
Even worse that when the public are ill informed, due to manipulation by those in power, it just becomes a freight train, furthering the agenda of a select few.