Story Time, Fallon's Letters

Aug 04, 2008 19:23

Blaize = Obitsu 55cm Gretel
Hunter = Volks F-16 sunlight
Joleen = Dollmore UJee
Tighe = Bluefairy Niky

quick recap: Tighe and JJ are brothers, Fallon their adoptive father. Fallon was remolded and to explain the absence he went off in search of JJ. Joleen arrived about a day after Fallon left. Now it is several months later because I am a story slacker.

X-posted to DOA

Joleen: Aww, look at all the fun things Tighe and Fallon did.
Hunter: Yah, and dey even made a allbum. I thawt Ty hated Fallun, so why'd dey do all dis fun shtuff?
Joleen: It's not hate so much as... well Tighe's just cranky with everyone.

Blaize: MAIL'S HERE! I carried in this big package so BE GRATEFUL.

Blaize: And don't say I never did anything for you. *toss*

Joleen: Oh hey, it's from Fallon.

Tighe: This place is a nuthouse, thankfully I got here first and have my own room and some quiet.

Tighe: much for quiet.

Joleen: Get off the computer and come see the mail! You and Hunter got a bunch of stuff!
Tighe: Joy.

Joleen: Are you wearing your glasses? Did you have ~~future sightings~~??
Tighe: I'm still getting disturbing visions of the tiny purple girl and Fallon. It's not the future, and I don't think it's even past or present.

Joleen: Ummmm, yeah, okay, so... Well the mail's from Fallon so get your smelly hermit butt out to the living room so we can open it!

Joleen: Why don't I ever get any mail?
Tighe: Nobody knows you're here, at least Fallon doesn't and he's the only one who sends people stupid stuff. You can have my share.

Joleen: Mail, mail, mail, mail!!!!

Hunter: *snips the air* Iz he commin'?
Joleen: I /think/ so.

Hunter: I wanna open it... Oh hai ty!
Tighe: Are you wearing an eyepatch?
Hunter: Buhlayz threw da mail at meh.

Tighe: Okaaaay. Just give me the stupid mail and let's get on with our lives.
Hunter: Read dem to me, I cannuh find mah readin' glasses. And I dun gotz a monukkle.
Joleen: You can read?!?!

Hunter: I can read! It's dem big werds dat get me. Pelase read dem, Ty. Mah eye hurtz.
Tighe: *sighs* This one's for Hunter and me from Fallon.
"Dear Hunter and Tighe
I haven't found JJ yet, sorry. I'll keep looking until people stop putting quarters in my hat for singing on the street and I run out of money. Sent you a present.
Joleen: Of course he didn't find me, I'm here!

Tighe: Shush, just let me get through these. This one's /FOR/ Fallon from Sulla... maybe I should just leave it for him when he gets home.

Tighe: And this letter is just for me... so I'm not going to waste my breath reading it out loud to you nosey people.

Hunter: Now I get ta open da big one! It's got mah name on it!

Joleen: I wanna help! Tighe said I get his share!
Tighe: JJ! Don't jump on people who are holding scissors!

Joleen: No, give ME the scissors!
Hunter: Dey're MINE!
Tighe: *sneaks away with his letter* Have fun with whatever nonsense he sent...

Tighe: So what does that idiot have to say to me that he couldn't put on a dumb cheapass postcard.

"Dear Tighe,
I realize I’ve been gone for a couple months now with no word to you, I apologize but didn’t want to waste my time from searching or my pennies on stamps. I also seem to have lost my cell phone or I would have called. I guess you’re right, I am just full of fail.

I haven't found any sign of Joleen. I won’t give up, not until I’ve exhausted all resources, although I am a bit homesick. I’m currently surviving from nibbling hoboes and bums and paying my way with coins people toss at me. I’ve been singing on street corners. It’s kind of fun actually. However after about 12am I get the most money from people paying me to stop singing and go away so they can sleep.

The other day (well, a couple weeks ago now) while I was searching for JJ in New York I stopped by Sulla’s house. He wasn’t there. Yuen wouldn’t give me the details. He also refused to smack Sulla in the head with a shoe the next time he saw him for me. Yuen’s too nice I guess... Bullocks.

Did you get the foozball table I sent? It’s for you and Hunter to share while I’m away. It will give you both something to do and maybe you can make friends? It would be nice if I came home and you had stopped calling him “stalker”. I think Hunter’s a bit too simple to stalk anyone, but don't tell him I said that.

I have a surprise for you when we get home. I don’t want to ruin it by saying anything other than I have something, and that it’s a surprise.

Hopefully I’ll see you soon, and even more hopefully I’ll have your brother with me this time. You’ll be so glad that I finally didn’t fail, maybe I’ll even get a “Thanks, Dad” out of you. I can only hope.
Hugs from afar,

Tighe: You big idiot. Just come home.



Hunter and Joleen:


Blaize holding the mail, but I decided to flip the cards over.

And an overview of them fighting over the mail.

I get brownie points for actually changing the sheet for the "room change" this time, right?

Also, Tighe and JJ have new eyes now, they've gone from blue to brown, and JJ also now has the proper 14mm size for his eye sockets.

bjd, blaize, photostory, hunter, fallon, tighe, joleen

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