doll ANNNNNGST in story format!

Feb 08, 2007 10:27

Tighe = BlueFairy Niky
Fallon = Unidoll UH08
Little Fallon = Made by Riven
Hunter = Volks F-16 sunlight
Julie = Facehugger

This story follows a couple minutes behind the Funeral story. Xposted to DOA of course.

Tighe: *aimlessly clicking on LJ* Stupid Fallon. Thinks he's so awesome that he can do whatever he wants.

Fallon: *being a stealthly ninja* (Look! He's wearing Pants now!)
Tighe: Thinks I don't see him down there. *click click* Stupid jerkface.

Little Fallon: *in a dopey voice* Y Hallo Thar Tighe.
Tighe: Go Away, Fallon. I'm angsting in my LJ about you and don't want to be bothered.

Little Fallon: There's no Fallon here. Just me, Little Fallon! I'm here to cheer you up, Mr. GrumpyPants.
Tighe: You can't be serious. How old do you think I am? And I thought it was "Cranky" pants.

Little Fallon: I'm very super amazing totally serious. Your pants are both craky AND grumpy. And you, sir, are still young enough to throw a tantrum.
Tighe: I did NOT throw a tantrum.
Little Fallon: Did too.
Tighe: DID NOT, Fallon, cut it out! I know you're down there.

Fallon: Okay, fine. If you'll actually talk to me I won't need the doll.
Tighe: I don't want to talk to you.
Fallon: Little Fallon compells you to talk to me!
Tighe: Your stalker is going crazy.

Fallon: Don't change the subject.
Hunter: Halp! The skorpeen is chasin' meh!
Tighe: Told you. Crazy. Maybe you should dump him.

Fallon: No! Julie! Don't lay eggs in his throat!
Julie: Skreeeee *leap*
Hunter: Halp! I dun want yer kisses!
Tighe: *sigh* Idiots.

Fallon: We'll continue this conversation later.
Tighe: Yeah sure. Later.
Fallon: JULIE! I said DON'T suck his face off!! *chases after them*

Tighe: Stupid doll. *fwack* And stupid Fallon. Cares more about his stalker, of whom I thought he had a /phobia/, than he does about me. He won't be back to talk, either.

Tighe: LJ's are for venting, right? Let's see if blogging my worries to the internet makes me feel better. Because Fallon sure didn't.
Dear Livejournal,
My adoptive father doesn't love me. He only pretends to care out of obligation. He always says how much of a jerk that Sulla is, but it's really him. He's the jerk. I feel like such a burden and I miss my brother...

The end. Oh Tighe, you so emo.

bjd, photostory, julie, hunter, fallon, tighe

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