well all i can say is i miss sonia so much. she was like my sister. when someone is gone you dont realize how much u love them. sonia i loved you so much. everyone is having a hard time this time of year. i wish you were still here. on sonias sisters cell phone, well it used to be sonias now chrissy(sonias sister) has it and everytime it comes to the voice mail it is sonias voice. i miss her so much. wow i cant type anymore or talk about it i am cryin so much right now. i miss her and i will never forget her.
this is the day after she passed away
i went down to Sonia's house
[07 Apr 2004|04:28pm]
just around the corner of your eye
Today i went down to sonia's house and her grandma was there. her grandma was cryin and sonia's sister was ok. she was not cryin but i knew she was sad. when her mom came home she was realli sad. Sonia's mom and aunt went to the funeral home today. Sonia's wake is tommarrow and the funeral is friday.
i know u loved me and i loved u with all my heart. i miss u so much. i am neva gonna see u again. y did god hav to take u now. u had ur whole life a head of u and god took it from u. that waqs a cruel thing to do. Sonia i miss u so much. i am neva gonna see u again and my mom can't get u bac for the rasberries. lol. i still memba when u had the rasberry and u were gonna give it to me mom and u threw it in ur mouth instead, tat was so funny. i realli do miss u. At least u r not suffering anymore. i hope u r happy where u r now. i just want u to know tat u will always be in my heart and soal.
luv always
if anyone reads tat letter i hope u understand how much i miss sonia. i luved her like she was one of my sisters. we were so close. i miss her so much. sonia y did u hav to go so soon. i neva got to say good bye. sonia i luv u. i don't want to belive it , i neva want to belive it but i hav to, i hav to face the truth, face life.
post comment this was the day of her wake
where is the love
today is sonia's wake. i am shaking right now as i am writing this. i hav one of sonia's bandanas in my lap. yhe one she left here last summer when we went swimming. i am gonna be at the wake from 2-5 the 7-10. the whole time. i wish this neva happened. i wish sonia u neva got cancer. i wish u were still here wit me right now. gabby, angelo and i miss u so much. life is neva gonna be the same. i stiil memba when we went apple picking and there was the rasberries and u got the last good one, and u go to me mom "maggie u want the rasberry" then she is walkin up nto grab it from u and u plop it right in ur mouth. tat was the funniest, it is just tat my mom neva got u bac 4 it. i miss hangin around wit u, buggin joanna, rissa and chrissy when they r in there room. i miss hearin u and chrissy always fightin. it is so quiet in ur house now. i will always memba u in my heart and in my dreams. thx for bein such a great friend. i will neva 4 get u.
luv always
1 comment|
post comment [08 Apr 2004|12:38pm]
where id the love
i did not mean tat mood i did not know wat content meant.
and this is the day of the funeral
trhe wake
[09 Apr 2004|08:09am]
the wake was hard. i was there both times. 2-5 then 7-10. Sonia's cuz's were there but they could not stay the whole time. it hurt them to much. it was hard for me to stay anyway. i saw jimmy dixion there. him and Sonia were friends. Jessie ur right he has become more atractive and taller.(LOL). well today is the funeral. I am Doin a reading at the mass for Sonia.
Sonia Scaramella
April 6, 2004
The christian Burial Rite
Good Friday, April 9th-9:30 AM
Sacred Heart Church
Entombment Rosewood Mausoleum
I am the resurrection and
the life: she who belives in me
even if she die, shall live: and
whoever lives and belives in
me, shall never die.
on those little cards u get when u go to the wake and it says the person who died and when and all tat info, tat is wat i just typed.
Sonia I luv u with all my heart
Now u r gone
My little sis
My best friend
always there for me
always in my heart
My little sis
i luv u
u ment so much to me
but now ur gone
u took my hand
but now its done
I'm lonely
but can't u see
never again
i luve u with all my heart
i always will
We are like sisters
We always will be
No matter how far
we will meet up sumday
i know we will
i miss u.
tat was a poem i just wrote. i am doin the second reading at sonia's funneral for her. her sister is to. i luved her so much
Sonia i will neva forget all the good times we had together, like when we first met at the track with our moms when they used to jog, or ur halloween party when u were a cowgirl and i was a devil, or even when we went to Havover and u were drwing on the table cloths cause there was paper over them and u drew a mittin and my mom thought it was a butt, even when we went to the mexican reaturant and we both got the pina coladas, even when u saw the same movie twice just for me. like Pirates of the Carribean and Finging Nemo. But all the reakky good times were when we would be at ur house and we would annoy our sisters. Then Chrissy would start screming and they would get in trouble. I am really gonna miss those good old timesand u. i will talk to u today at the mass. Sonia u know i luv u and i always will
Luv always
post comment the funneral
[09 Apr 2004|04:26pm]
this love
this time was hard, i don't think it could be any harder, i did the second reading. Sonia's sister did the first reading. it was so hard. i cryed so hard. it is never gonna be the same. i can't explain the way i feel. i am so hurt losin my best frined. kids r supposed to be bering there parents, not parents buring there kids. it was so hard to get up there and do the reading. i read it. i made it through it. i miss her so much. i wish she was still here. she ment so much to me. she waqs the person of my life.
post com then this was the 14th
i am do depressed
[14 Apr 2004|05:18pm]
this love
i am so depressed. i hav not written in here in so long. sonia i miss u so much. i am neva gonna 4get u. i am havin such a hard time in skol knowin all about u. it is so hard to see all my friends and now i am missing 1 of them. my closest out of all of them. i luved u so much.
brian i know u r readfin this and i am sry 4 everytin i wrote bout u. i was really mad at u all of tat time. i am really sry. i hav just been so depressed since i found out my friend had cancer last yr. no 1 in dis skol knows the real me. i hav been hiding it in. and know i don't think i will eva let it out. now cause i am even more depressed.
i luv u all. my close friends, fmily and eveyone (* except morgan)