thirteen people

Jul 24, 2006 23:40

stolen from laarnie

1 - laarnie b
2 - david n
3 - tricia v
4 - lorife s
5 - karen t
6 - vanessa r
7 - kuya jay
8 - alex keonee
9 - lily c
10 - mariz g
11 - michael "luis" m
12 - stephanie m
13 - ella p

how did you meet # 10? at school. grade 10 religion class i think! =) or maybe earlier than that through laarnie? eh.. well we got closer this year, grade 11. tee hee hee!!
what would you do if you had never met # 1? i think i would die. no, really. this girl is my life-line.
what would you do if # 6 and # 2 dated? KILL one of those spanish freeeeks!
have you ever seen # 4 cry? yes.. and hopefully i was there to comfort. =)
do you think # 1 is cute? ssssexxy. ;) rawr. ahaha. SOULMATES!
tell me something about # 11: my very first boyfriend in grade 7 & we're still close. see, you CAN still be friends after a relationship. =)
how do you know # 8? we met on the first day of highschool. grade 9 TA, prraaap!
would you ever go on a date with # 12? lmfao. yeah man.. she gets free movies. haha! =P
what's # 7's favourite color? umm.. i dunno? =/ red? black? haha.
what would you do if # 6 confessed they liked you? i'd confess that i like them back. ;) rawr.
fact about # 9: she works at centreville & gets one day off a week. HA !
who is # 4 going out with? no one yet. ;) eh eh? soontime? eh eh? lol. *cross fingers
who is # 5 to you? a very good & funnay & funkay friend & we laugh. =)
would you ever live with # 13? sure. we'd drink and stuff all day, everyday. haha!
is # 2 single? NOPE! he's with MEE, forever & ever, amen. ♥
where does # 7 live? in a garbage can. lmfao.. no no, jungle i think.
what do you think about # 3? makes me angry sometimes but i still love her. =)
what's the best thing about # 8? he tells it like it is, and you can talk to him about anything.
what do you like about # 10? she's fun to be around & gives people presents on random days cause she's so nice. =)
favourite memory with # 2: everyday is a new favourite memory. =)
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