i wanna hold you tightly, but instead you wanna fight me

Jul 24, 2006 22:04

haven't made an actual updation in awhile. so summerschool has been alright. can't believe exam's on wednesday. =/ eeeks. maaan, this summer is gonna be so flop.. i can just feel it. things aren't the same with many people but it's alright. anyways, i think i'm sitting at a 70% in summerschool which is alright. i really haven't been trying, so i guess it's pretty good. i'm actually making alot of new friends cause of david. yep.. me, the people hater. lmfao. some people are really cool though. =) so maybe just maybe my summer won't be THAT bad. jen's already practically begging me to go chill with them. lol. encountered some jealous bitches at school also.. but hey, what's a relationship without those nosey hoes? =P

a month and a week and david & i have already been through SO MUCH. so many ups and downs, tears and smiles.. but you guys, i really think he's it. i've never been so open and comfortable with someone. i've never had someone be so open and comfortable with me. this last week has been nothing short of hell, but still.. i'm stickin'. =) we got too many people rooting for us. anyways, even though last week was horrible, we still had some fun times. went to his house on thursday where we were gonna meet up with jen, iva, and some other people at christie pits but it started to rain so me & him just stayed at his place and watched "the haunting" and a bit of "win a date with tad hamilton". bonded more with his sister. omg.. she is the most cutest thing in the world maaan. she's 8 and she loves me off like omg. i don't usually like little kids but holaaay.. =) lol. got home at 11:30pm that night. then on friday, we planned to watch a movie and then go to lakeshore in the night. (yup, i got a romantic man.. booyaaaah!) so we caught "pirates of the carribean" at paramount and goodness, didn't realize the movie would take THREE HOURS! it was 11pm by the time we got out so decided to hit up lakeshore another day. i started craving for an iced-cap so we looked around for a tim hortons. found one. =) got home at 12:45am, but didn't get in trouble cause david's such a good boyfriend and he took me home even though it takes him like another hour for him to go home. booyaaah! lol. some dramatic events over the weekend involving large amounts of alcohol consumption on david's part. i got pissed off to the maximum. thank you lazy for knocking some sense into my steupid steupid boyfriend. it's not worth losing me to a whore.. he's learned his lesson.

so yaaah. last week of summerschool, then laarnie leaves to montreal for one week, vanny goes to peru for i don't know how long, and david goes to portugal for two weeks. YOU FAGGOTS ! >:(
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