the Jalla ISBI legacy [challenge] part 5

Sep 10, 2012 21:42

archive: .1 .2 .3 .4
warnings: none

i moved them into a new house, this one fits their needs better and it's less laggy.

we start off with yet another pic of Marv cooking

like a hungry baby bird, waiting to be fed...


Doris is crying because she couldn't get to the bathroom in time and so she had an ~accident~

it's the end of the world!

SIGH. Marv is still the only one who sleeps in the right bed (well, probably only because i control him)

Marv had a day off and the girls were in school, so i sent these two on a date just for fun.. it went fine.

Irma does this ALL THE TIME

it's like she can't get enough of the sight of her own mirror image

trying to get new family friends by making Marv greet random passerbys. so far so good

i used Doris' teen command into getting her a job. the family was in a desperate need of money after i finished decorating....

of course there has to be some drama - here Irma had just argued with her classmate Karim

Marv has been hiking a lot, and as you can see, he's now in total harmony with nature

chance card time, i chose "play fetch"


cry me a river

don't know who caught these poor things, but Marv set them free

i've never used the thinking cap, it was about time i tested it!

Torch-Holders: 1
Perma-Platinum sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 2
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0

legacy: jalla, isbi challenge, legacy challenge

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