the Jalla ISBI legacy [challenge] part 4

Sep 08, 2012 23:01

archive: .1 .2 .3
warnings: some nudity

i'm back!

last night i was browsing through my (very unorganized) file folders, and i found the missing TS2 files i mentioned earlier (some CC & other files)! i don't know HOW they got there, i can't remember moving them out of original location! anyway, i put them back to the TS2 folder and opened the game for the first time in months.

the game seemed to work just fine, so i played with the Jallas for a while.

i'm still on my wreck of a laptop, meaning that i'm using the onscreen keyboard as well. luckily some of the keys on my real keyboard still work, as i was able to use the cameraman mode & take screenshots without any extra trouble.

the only problem is that i can't open the cheat code box thing...! you know, since you need to press multiple keys at once. you can't do that with the osk, and all of those required keys don't work on my real keyboard.
oh well. decorating is kinda dull now tho, since i can't activate moveobjects on..

i need to catch up on the newest downloads & organize my CC folder..

ANYWAY! the Jalla family, yes! this is a very peaceful update.

Irma never sleeps in her own bed....

Doris seems to be a nocturnal sim, she's often awake when everyone else has gone to bed

Alec's steadily becoming a better dad

(you can tell they're both in a good mood when they do this.) GUYS! no more kids, ok? ok.

Alex isn't lazy at all! he cooks too!...... sometimes.

so far both of the girls have gone to school every morning, no problems there.

i got Marv a job (culinary career track) so he could finally start earning the money needed for buying a new house.... this means Alec will be home alone a lot. i was worried about it at first, but he's been fine, no catastrophes as of yet.

the girls usually go straight to bed after coming home from school. it's frustrating because it's hard to estimate when they'll wake up - i need to make Marv go help them with their homework asap

no promotions yet.

Irma turned into a teenager! she's sooo pretty, imo. her aspiration info is at the bottom of this entry.

look, she's no longer a monster!

Marv & Alec have now got distinct "roles". Marv is the serious dad who makes sure the girls do their homework...

...while Alec is more relaxed & fun?


since they no longer need the help of the annoying nanny, Alec found someone else to fight with: this poor girl, Irma's classmate.

aaand now Doris os a teen too. preetttyyy!

random aspiration + turn on / turn offs: IRMA

random aspiration + turn on / turn offs: DORIS

Torch-Holders: 1
Perma-Platinum sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 2
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0

do you guys wanna vote for the heir? and if you do, when do you want the poll to be posted? now or later, when you've seen more of the girls as teens?
the torch won't be passed yet, so there's still time.

legacy: jalla, isbi challenge, legacy challenge

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