My Three Things about Naruto 490

Apr 08, 2010 16:15

1) Somehow Naruto's choice to be hate-less is bit less than surprising. These toads need to start reading Shouen jump or something. They are behind the times. Still, the illustrations with the explanation are lolicious.

2) The Villains are all "When our powers unite- CAPTIAN-! Well, okay. Not quite. But they have joined forces (for the moment). Luckily for the good guys, they both seemed poised to double cross each other at first moment. I mean, I don't see Madara giving Kabutomaru Sasuke, for reals. What else is that "after the war" bit about? After the war, if all goes as Madara wills it, everyone will be in his moon-eye peace-happy-land. And Kabutomaru possibly leading the Leaf to Madara and... with the blackmail box of DOOM! I wonder if it is another zombie. For some reason, I kinda thought maybe it was someone important to him, or possibly the "real" Madara (ew, or Madara's brother! CREEPY!).

3) It is another Hyuuga! With a name and everything, not Ko. Yays.

3a) Also, why does it look like Kabuto killed an elephant or something? Team Anko is talking about it like they are human bodies....I mean, carnage is carnage but still. You'd think they'd pick up on the really f%#% different skull shapes. Unless- are those suppose to be the bodies of some seal level two people? Ew! CREEPY! Why is this chap filled with teh creepy?

You know what is not on the list? The Cloud nin. I actually really like the cloud nin, but this was all about Killer Bee, and I dunno. Maybe it is just that the rhyming makes him hard to translate or something, but I'm literally really interested in every Cloud nin we've met except him. Who is, of course, the only Cloud nin we will ever get to know very well.


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