Feb 12, 2008 22:01
Crispin's been settling in well at school. He's keen to go in the mornings and doesn't want to leave in the afternoon (even though he's usually too tired to stay until 3pm). This morning they discovered his reading abilities so I was hailed with exclamations when I arrived at lunchtime. He's going to be going to the library with the year 3s (it's a year 0-3 class) to choose books and his teachers are scrambling for ways to stimulate him :-) And he seems quite keen on a kid called Travis so hopefully that's a friendship in the offing.
Hermes has been sulking next door since we went away a couple of weeks ago and yesterday we got a concerned visit because he was holed up over there, miserable with an abscess. Jamie too him to the vet first thing today (meaning the boys and I had to bus into school in the rain) and he's been successfully drained. He's home and looking perfectly perky though irate that he's not allowed outside. Truth be told though I'm quite glad to have an excuse to keep him in and remind him of where he really lives. i know that with his history as a stray he's always going to be a cat who needs to know he has a back-up plan (he's lived with us for several months before he stopped freaking out when his food bowl got below half full) and I'm really glad that there are people who look out for and care about him but he's my baby and I have an awful lot of emotional investment in him so I do get jealous.
Dad gets his most recent biopsy results tomorrow. If it's clear he'll start three weeks of maintenance therapy on Friday. If it's not clear...nup not even going to go there. He's also been put on the waiting list for a new heart valve - he's fine at the moment so the idea is to get him to the top of the list before he ceases to be fine. Heart surgery isn't exactly something to look forward to so I'm choosing to focus on the fact that it's a frigging miracle he went 60 odd years between having rheumatic fever and having the valve go bung.
dad cancer,