Time for an update because, well, I feel like writing on here.
Recently I started my new job as a cashier at the Food Lion in Berlin. The pay is decent for a cashier, and the job isn't very hard at all... just scan as many items as you can, as fast as possible, making as close to zero screwups as possible. When not doing anything, all I have to do is clean the conveyor belt from time to time. The hours are random, which I'm not too fond of, but I suppose that it could be worse. Everyone who works there is really nice, except for the manager. It's not that he's not nice or anything, apparently he's just a prick about calling out unless you have a court order/subopena, copy of a family member's death certificate, doctor's note / hospital bill, car repair order, etc., you get the idea. Hopefully we won't have to butt heads in the short amount of time that I am going to be there. When people call out and the assistant managers are the only management around, they're cool about it and keep it under radar. There are a lot of times when I am utterly bored to tears and time comes to a screeching halt. I usually try to think about important things going on or other things that I want to do so as to occupy my mind and pass the time.
Aside from that, most of what I do around here is train at Parks. It keeps me on my toes and in good shape which remains ever progressing with my training. In addition to taekwondo I have decided that next semester, after discussing it with Master Kim, I am going to begin training in another art. To make time for this, I will most likely all but cut out going to the gym in exchange for more martial arts training. The main question is, which art do I want to take? Parks offers Taekwondo, Haidong Gumdo, Hapkido and Tai Chi. Tai Chi looks very, very interesting, but it appears to be a docile art. While I do not have a problem with this, I think I would better appreciate it and benefit from it after training in other "hard" (as opposed to soft) martial arts. Hapkido catches my attention because it would fill in the blanks in my current martial arts study. I do not mean to slight taekwondo in this description of hapkido, but, as even other taekwondo practitioners (especially blackbelts and masters) will tell you, taekwondo is not an all encompassing art, and this is most likely for philosophical reasons i wager, and once philosophy comes into the picture, the concepts of right and wrong go right out the window. Hapkido has grappling, take downs, groundfighting, submission fighting, throws, joint locks, and much more. It is also more physically demanding than taekwondo, which is never a bad thing. Last, but certainly not least, is Gumdo. Gumdo catches my eye because it is a 100% weapon art, and is very graceful and beautiful (just lookup gumdo videos on youtube, you will see what I mean). Also, the uniform kicks major ass (not like this is a bargaining point of which art to pursue, but aesthetically desirable uniforms surely aren't a minus). I have always wanted to learn and master weapon techniques, and the sword has always been of interest to me. I lightly studied the bo staff as a child, but that was about that. I also admire the oriental style and concepts of swordsmanship. It would diversify my current martial arts study at this point more than the others and that is what gives it the current upper hand in my decision. The X factor in all of this is my class schedule for next semester. I have an astronomy lab that I have to take, and it's at night time. Currently I think it is slated for thursday night, but I can't remember. Hopefully I can move it to a time that won't require me to compromise what I want to do with martial arts at this point in time. If, God forbid, my class schedule permits the undertaking of another art, I will just step up Taekwondo (as in going to 2 classes a week with the University Club and 2 classes a week at Parks itself). I wouldn't mind doing this in addition to the second art if possible, but I don't want to burn myself out or have literally 0 free time. I have plenty of time to think and decide on this matter.
Lately my lack of significant other has bothered me slightly. In working retail, I see couples and families all the time and I miss that kind of interaction and socialization. It's also cool to have someone you care about and/or love, who returns the same sentiments, who checks up on you and all that shit out of sheer principle and its own sake. For whatever reason, in general, I feel less stressed overall when I am involved in a relationship.
Yesterday was a very eventful day to say the bare minimum. It started with waking up early to meet the Hazel House gang at Jolly Roger's water park in Ocean City. We hit up all kinds of rides, goofed around on some kiddy rides, lost almost everybodys' eyeglasses at some point or another, and more. Unfortunately, I had to leave early to go work while everyone else went to Macky's bayside bar and grill. I also missed an apparent good time there as well, but hey, sometimes work gets in the way and I don't think I need to tell anybody that. It's cool though. Afterwards, en route to salisbury to spend the night and day (today) before going to Parks, I had a little incident on Ocean Parkway in Ocean Pines. Now is not the time to detail this, nor is this the place for which to detail it at any point. I'm fine, nothing is wrong with me. That is what is important. It just has me on edge and may very well for some time to come depending on a couple of different things. After that I met up with everybody at Hazel and hung out, which is always cool, especially when you can just do whatever and not have to worry about an 8am class the next day or the homework for said class that you never did anyways.
And so here I am, hanging out, surfing the web and playing World of Warcraft (which i haven't been able to do thanks to my computers now-defunct power supply). I'll probably just chill here until TKD time.