Dec 27, 2002 00:23
I spent a lot of time at different stores yesterday, checking out the after Christmas sales. I'd never been to day-after-Christmas sales before - whoa! The lines were longer than they were before Christmas. That really surprised me. I got a lot of good deals though. At Old Navy there was a fun game; an employee stood on top of the counter and asked customers if they had random items (movie stubs, nail clippers, certain numbers in their driver's licenses, etc), and the first person to produce the item would win a gift certificate! Neat, huh? I was too slow to win anything though. I think I might have had a movie stub in my purse, heh.
My eye is still bugging me. It hurts like crazy to close, and this morning when I woke up it wouldn't open! I looked so scary.. my mom was freaking out! Haha. It seems to be getting better, so hopefully I'll see more improvement in the morning.
Well, I better get to bed. No updates for a few days - I'm leaving for Laughlin at 8AM :D Yay!