alcippe put up a challenge today to get her LJ friends to post more, to be present here more, even if it's just to post a picture or a Youtube video or say what you're cooking for dinner or something. Her challenge was actually to get people to post at least once every day in July, but I'm going to be out of town with no internet access from Thursday night through Monday night, so I'm getting a head start. I'm trying!
I had a very nice, very quiet day at work, including a very nice lunch out where I had a DELICIOUS southwestern steak salad. This is the last week of work for one of our interns, so we treated her to a nice meal. My work day continued to be very nice and very quiet until my last 5 minutes in the office, when I received a very irritating, passive-aggressive email from a person in another department questioning whether I had done a very basic task, which I completed months ago. I'm still not sure whether she was trying to insinuate that I hadn't done my job, or whether she was disappointed in the results of the task, but whatever. Not my problem anymore.
Aaand, I'm off to make some omelettes for dinner. More tomorrow!