Response to The Wedding of River Song

Oct 02, 2011 12:24

I'm still assimilating this episode; although it's pretty straight-forward (for Moffat), the implications are staggering. (To be honest, I have a fic idea that I've been postponing working on until I'd seen this; I now know it'll work, but there's a number of ways of taking it.)

I've watched the entire episode twice and the bit from where Amy kills Kovarian to the end five times.

I love love LOVE the scene with River and Amy in the garden. Friends and mother/daughter (but who's the mother and who's the daughter?) and just lovely. River finally able to call Amy "Mother" and Rory "Father dear".

But it's the last scene, with the Doctor and Doriam, that is sticking with me. The location (that isn't sticking in my head yet), the fall of the ELEVENTH, and the first question. This time, as I watched it, it read as total meta. The fall of the eleventh, the eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith. The answer to the first question. Doctor Who? The first question, of course, of the series. The one that has been answered ten times. That will be answered, finally, an eleventh time, when Matt Smith leaves the series. As if Moffat is saying that the Silence will be with the Doctor until it's time to change, just as Rose Tyler and the Time War were finally left behind (if not forgotten) when David Tennant left the series and the Tenth Doctor regenerated.

Of course, it's too simplistic and Moffat will prove me wrong next fall if not at Christmas, but it makes some fine thinky-thought fuel.

BTW, if you hadn't picked up on it, I liked the episode. I may decide I love it.


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