Feb 12, 2004 23:18
"Women are not the point of pornography. Pornography is the flight from women, men's denial of sex as a medium of communication, their denial of sex as the basis for a relationship, their rejection of fatherhood, their perpetual incontinent adolescence. The victims of pornography are men not women. Pornography makes men leaky vessels, and undoes the principal male virtue of continence. As men's real power dwindles, pornography is their refuge. Fear of commitment is inseparable from indulgence in pornography. Masturbation is easy; relationships are difficult. Relationships interfere with masturbation."
The above quote was from my reading of a feminist book by Dr. Greer called The Female Eunuch. When I read that, I was absolutely struck on the head by the sheer, simple truth in that statement. I wholeheartedly agree with the author for making that statement. Everything about that quote is true, at least for me, and for people that I know who watches porn.
What I am about to say may offend you, and if you are offended, too bad, because I am gonna say whatever the fuck I want. When a male sees female, there are two kinds of interactions that he might possibly have. The first type, is of course, purely physical. As in, when a guy sees a hot chick, his libido and his Id instinctively make him want to fuck her. I don't care how you try to deny this: this is the simple, biological truth. Then of course, there's the metaphysical interaction. The guy becomes emotionally or intellectually attached to the female, and has no conscious (noticed I said conscious) sexual desire toward the female.
There is a way to distinguish when each type of interaction occurs. When guys sees women that they don't know, they only interact in a purely physical form. Now, when you see a supermodel on TV, or a really beautiful actress, do you know her? And by knowing I mean knowing her as a human being with her own virtues and vices, with her own quirks and exceptions. No, there's no way of knowing that person as a fully, in-the-flesh, 3-dimensional human being. If you cannot know another person as a human being, then you can only know them as an object. Yes, I said object, because you cannot get to know a rock, or a chair, as you can get to know another person. To you, that celebrity, or porn star, or singer, is only an image you see on TV. She is just a brand name, a marketable commodity, an object of sexual arousal and desire. It's typically in occasions such as this that most guys make such remarks as "damn, that chick is FFFIINNNE," or "damn, she has a crazy rack!" or "shit, I'd tap that with no doubt!" Women does it too, especially when you see young, pre-teen girls say things like "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, Orlando Bloom is SO HOT." In this respect, we as human beings begin to objectify other human beings whom we don't know as human beings. And there's nothing wrong with that, because just as we objectify others, we are being ojectified ourselves.
Now when one does know another as a human being should know one another, then the metaphysical interactions kick in. You can no longer view that girl as someone you'd like to do, or have physical relationship with. There's the emotional and intellectual aspects to consider. At this point, most people stop being jerks and start behaving like considerate human beings. At this point, it's no longer just about the sex, it's about committment, caring, and other such stuff. The only true, and beautiful aspect of any healthy relationship is when the physical is united with the metaphysical, when the male and female care about each other in both sexual and non-sexual ways. You cannot deny the importance of sex in ANY human relationship, because human beings are intensely sexual animals. The body and the mind must be as one, because your physical need arises from your metaphysical needs, and your metaphysical needs arise from your physical needs, like the Yin and the Yang of Taoism, each giving birth to one another, but each is not the exclusive creation of one another, existing simultaneously.
Now, I know what you are thinking: Mike just wrote a bunch of bullshit to intellectualize and abstractify his horniness, and you are probably right. Who knows, maybe subconsciously, I am trying to impress chicks with this piece. But then again, I do watch an amount of porn that's not really healthy for a guy my age. Now I shall leave you with a sort of misogynistic quote, and if you think I hate all women, then go ahead:
"God created woman. And boredom did indeed cease from that moment -- but many other things ceased as well! Woman was God's second mistake."
-- Friedrich Nietzsche