For theatrical_muse

Sep 29, 2006 15:53

Topic: Hidden.

He’s here, in my mind, no one else can see him but I can hear him. All day and all night long, he’s talking to me, whispering things to me and slowly driving me insane.

It’s a slow process, going insane.

It starts with the small breaks, the tiny insignificant cracks, the ones you ignore because you figure those aren’t going to kill you but it’s those things that break you.

The neural chip’s an integral part of me, its tendrils are wrapped around every single part of my brain and Scorpius is there, constantly. I call him Harvey because it makes easier and I don’t feel like I’m completely crackers if I have some control.

In the end, I’m lying to myself because no matter how much I try and tell myself he isn’t there, that he isn’t real, I know that he is there and he’s just as real as the one that walks around like he owns the place.

See, no matter how much I try and hide this slow kind of twisted descent into insanity the truth of the matter is that I’m crazy and I don’t know how to stop it. He’s in my head, all the time, and how do you ignore something like that?

I can try and hide this but it’s all going to end in tears.

Muse: John Crichton
Fandom: Farscape (Misc TV)
Word Count: 225

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