Stuff... or something...

Jan 29, 2009 21:33

Guitar hell

So I'm shopping hardcore for a guitar again, and I'm learning that shopping for a decent guitar on a budget really sucks ass. There are basically 2 things I want:

Flat bridge
V shape

What's a flat bridge? Your pick hand plays by the bridge. Most bridges are arced, aka the strings go up over the bridge, then angle downward to the nuts at the top of the neck. Think of it like the golden gate bridge, the towers are where your pick hand would play and the dips are the nuts at the top of the neck.

A flat bridge is just that - flat. The strings basically go straight from the bridge to the nuts at the top of the neck. The strings are closer to the body where your pick hand is and, to me, it's more comfortable. Think of it like an overpass bridge.

Boring enough for you? Ok

V shape is easier to explain. I like playing the guitar between my legs, not for some sort of sick perverted thing, it just makes the position for my arms more comfy.

So the problem is, that combo doesn't appear to exist for under $500, except on ebay. But the more I read the e-bay ads, return policies, etc, the less I like the idea of getting a guitar there. So I'll either have to compromise what I am looking for, or expand the budget a bit, although not this much:

On the topic of music, there are like 10 bands I want to see live, none of which will be in LA any time soon, the closest is Lamb of God on April 3rd. Weak.

Presidential poopiness

So I'm all for the new president and all that, let's see what he can do, but do I really have to endure the media whoring itself to him?

Case in point. The day after his inauguration, the today show was talking about some headlines and they discussed how Obama's approval ratings are through the roof.

The day after the inauguration.

Let's see, what did he do on Tuesday to get sky high approval ratings Wednesday?
Get sworn in
Go to parties

Really? The news you have the next morning is that his approval ratings are through the roof? Why?

I can understand it if he's been in office a month and you announce that, because at least by then he's had the opportunity to implement a few things (as opposed to just talking about them), but the day after he's sworn in?

I'd like to see what he can do, and I hope he succeeds as president because we all benefit if he does (regardless of your political affiliations will allow you to believe), but if the media insists on bowing before everything he does, it's pretty scary. Not that the media is any good at holding people accountable lately, but with no threat of accountability even being there, he could screw things up worse than they are now and not many people would notice the difference.

C is for cookie

I cooked monday night, it turned out really good but...

I made enchiladas, only instead of rolling them up, I made it like a lasagna. I used the corn tortillas the way you would use lasagna noodles and then layered the filling in there with the enchilada sauce and stuff and baked it for a bit. Turned out pretty good.

Problem is, it doesn't reheat well. So the last few nights I've choked it down, each night it got worse, so note to self: next time cook something more reheatable.


There are two blogs I love reading, and when I check my livejournal or myspace and see that either of them has posted a new one, I pretty much stop what I'm doing and read it. Both of them are amazing writers, super creative, and have a really cool and unique view of things, I can't say enough how much I love seeing what they have to say.

Problem is, lately neither of them posts much, this makes me a sad panda. One of them posted a note on their facebook that she had writers block and was soliciting ideas. I couldn't come up with any.
The other one is just flat out busy, and I think she's been playing around on facebook a lot lately. She reads my blahg too but I dunno if I'll mention HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it is.

Screw you guys, I'm going home...

My "hobby" lately is watching a south park episode each night. I started with season 1, and I'm on season three now. I've got 2 seasons to go before I have to buy more seasons. I love this freakin show.

One of the bonus features takes you on a tour of their production offices, holy crap I would totally love to work there. They have it all painted up with cool murals that look like forests, South Park characters all over the place, and best of all, no dress code.

I think that's what I miss most about production work...
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