Recs from RS Games, week 4

Oct 26, 2013 22:39

Lots of excellent entries this week as well at rs_games!

Of Monsters
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Violence, some dubious consent, nongraphic descriptions of injuries, Sirius/OMCs (briefly)
Word Count: 8970
Summary: Non magical AU, werewolves still exist.
Sirius always expected to go into the Black family business. Said family business just happens to involve kneecappings, murder, and the most powerful criminals in London. When Sirius decides to leave home at nineteen with a briefcase full of money and a few other essentials, he has no idea that he will end up sharing a dosshouse with a lunatic in a tweed jacket with the reading habits of an Oxford don and staggering intermittent anger issues. Sad thing is, it’s probably the safest place for him right now. Until it isn’t.
Why you should read this: This is a truly impressive AU. Mob story meets werewolf lore in a somewhat dark world, yet with room for hope and (black) humour. Every line has so much essence; the language is simply amazing. I'll be reading this story again!

After the Storm
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~15,000
Summary: When Remus joins the Four Seasons unit of the Federal Intelligence Service, the last thing he expects is Sirius Black.
Why you should read this: I really love a good, long non-magical AU, and this one is so inventive and well written. We meet Remus, Sirius, James and Peter in a special unit dealing with secret missions for the government. I had a blast reading this fic!

Art: The Story of a Certain Bed
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none
Summary: Everything has its own story...
Why you should see this: I love this - it's a beautiful and clever way of telling a lot about the Marauders' story. It's beautiful art and lots of emotions.

Art: Marked
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Kissing, Nudity, Biting
Summary: Set in the summer between 6th and 7th year, Sirius and Remus are reading Hogwarts A History before bed and Sirius thinks the rule against affectionate biting is total bullshit, of course.
Why you should see this: It's beautifully drawn, very sweet and sexy :)

rectober 2013, rectober, recs, community: rs_games

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