time to pull out the work clothes

Nov 24, 2010 07:57

I received the official offer for a job.  My estimated date of work is Dec 6th.  It's estimated due to my security clearance completed by then.  With that said, I've been working on getting those ducks in order.  I got finger printed yesterday and sent in my first copy of information.  I now have the dreaded "go back 7 years" paperwork. 
If my papers from AK would have made it to Alabama (where my HR is), I could have started this week.  It's a blame the other guy who blames another guy situation.  I'll take what I can and run with it.  In the end, I dropped from the government placement as of yesterday which ends with me getting paid my vacation time- which would have been nice to keep for time off during Christmas.  It is what it is.  I'm thankful to work again.

So, come Dec 6th (if all goes as planned), I will be an FRSA again.  Working with a Brigade on Post (which happens to be the Brigade Rob's assigned to) helping the FRG Leaders and Command.  I'm really excited to start.  I've been warned that I will be starting from scratch again.  The last FRSA left nothing behind when she left.  I've started off from scratch last time but I had help.  The last time I had great help from volunteers (I was one of them before getting the job) and had a working relationship that made the transition easier.

During the time here that I've not been working, I've spent a lot of my time working on the Relay For Life.  There's been some challenges and I hoped to get seeds planted so I'm not working on it as much knowing a time would come that I go back to work.  It's not been easy.  I hope the committee can get things going.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  It doesn't feel like it.  At least to me it doesn't.  Yesterday, Kavan asked me "what makes Thanksgiving"?  For me, it's being with those I love, cooking a good meal together, watching them eat and good conversation which usually consists of having some good laughs.  All while being thankful we are together and enjoying the company.  Which made me think of the last few Thanksgivings.    This year, we are spending tomorrow with friends.

I pray that those traveling this week are kept safe.  Those who are away from their loved ones, that you feel their love around you as they miss you.  For those who are cooking their first Turkey, make sure your turkey is thawed and cooks completely. ; )  And for those who have had no school this week due to Rain (!), patience with your children while you prepare your delicious meal.

I wish you all a nice warm Thanksgiving.
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