These two videos have been a source of amusement for me in the past few days.
May contain SHOUTING.
A LOT of shouting.
And malk.
Click to view
Click to view
Oddly enough, I'd been labeling the milkshakes at work "MALK" for a few weeks prior to seeing that last one. XD
Work on TDP goes along at an odd rate.
Some chapters require minimal editing and are more or less cut and paste jobs with a little tidying up here and there. But some require almost complete re-writes. This will become especially true towards the end, but in the middle it's a bit sporadic. Certain things I've cut out mean reworking the finale quite a bit and I'm already feeling a bit off with regards to some of the early chapters.
So, when it's done, (I'm hoping to be finished by the end of the month), I'll ask for nice people to read it for me. :) I'll give you gold if you do!
In other news...
Random Harry Potter thoughts I've had recently...
Did future Harry and Hermione show up on the marauder's map in Prisoner of Azkaban?
Do you think Dumbledore ever got really pissed and tried to drink from the Goblet of Fire?
Do you think Snape ever got pissed... at all? Seriously, drunk Snape would be epic.
If the Doctor ever landed in Hogwarts, (getting past all the perception filters, of course), would they all call him 'Merlin'? :D
Why don't they wear their pointy hats in the films? :(
I am STILL annoyed that it is never explained how Fred and George knew the outcome of the quiditch world cup. I was SO SURE it was going to be a big plot point. D:<
I do kind of want a marauder's map replica, but they're too expensive. :(
In other, other news...
My parents found an old photo album of younger versions of myself and my siblings. Dear god! I was a lost cause right from the start! From as early as three I seemed to want to dress stupidly. Case and point, the many pictures of myself dressed as Scot Tracy from Thunderbirds, or as Captain Scarlet, or sporting a Thomas the Tank Engine jumper (a rather thick one at that) in the middle of summer. Now I look at myself, donning bow ties, tweed jackets, wizard robes and pointy hats.
Yeah... My life is a joke. XD