Art and story by me, written by robinrocks Rating: PG-13 Genre: Eventual Romance Pages (this chapter): 21 Summary: Struggling fashion designer Arthur Kirkland is stuck in New York with a big project and no model. Perhaps he should have chosen more wisely than the loud, obnoxious American college student he found modelling clothes outside Abercrombie and Fitch.
This chapter was a bit tricky to draw, planning art and writing-wise. Also it was a bit fun to draw, knowing that this is when Arthur shows this side to him thats more emotional than straight-faced compared to the last chapters. I've always thought he gets a bit self-destructive when he gets offended and what not....
Anyway! I seem to be saying this all the time, but I really do apologize for the (longer than usual) delay. School is starting soon and I need to focus on my graduation project. I really can't tell when the next chapter is coming out, but we got two more chapters left and I can't wait to work on them!
Please let me know what you think~ thank you for reading <3 xoxo