May 31, 2010 17:57
So, in a fit of creativity/craftiness, I headed out to the fabric store to get some patterns for fabric I had bought a few summers ago to make skirts. I wound up coming home with three patterns, and enough fabric for three new skirts. (How can you say no to $1.50/yd fabric? Honestly. Even if I did find it at the last minute.) Add that to the two waiting to be cut out.... and that makes for quite a few new additions to my wardrobe. Hopefully my enthusiasm for this venture won't die out too quickly.... although I am known for getting really frustrated and tired at the cutting out and hemming stages. I'm thinking if I do it all the cutting at once, maybe that will make it easier. We'll see. Too bad I didn't think of this earlier in the weekend so I could have spent more of the weekend getting this accomplished. Returning to work tomorrow will definitely put a hamper on the sewing bug.
I also spent the morning finishing Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. Whoo-hoo!!! It was an enjoyable book, and I'm mostly proud of myself for actually finishing it in a relatively timely manner... One of my lofty goals this summer is to actually
1. do some summer reading
2. finish the books I start and
3. enjoy it.
I think finishing three books so far is a really good start. And now it's time to pick out a new book, too! :-)
Time to iron all this fabulous new fabric. Oh, and get started on Kate's tea cozy. I'm setting a finish goal for that project by our opera date at the end of June. That should be plenty of time.... right? :-)